
Showing posts from February, 2014

Fit For Victory

There is a scripture in 1 Samuel 17:38 where Saul offered David to wear his armor when he was about to fight Goliath. David tried on Saul's armor, but it was too large for him. He removed the armor because he knew that it would hinder him from slaying Goliath. He was not accustomed to wearing such an armor, he was not familiar with it, it was not the proper fit and he had no skill in using it. But David had an inward assurance of the victory, because he remembered his past victories. He remembered slaying the lion and the bear. After he removed the armor he went up against Goliath and defeated him with the sling shot and five stones which God placed in his hand.   The Lord says; I have called and created each one of you to be unique. I have created you to be authentic, not a replica of someone else. I have released gifts to each one of you. Don't try to imitate another person's ministry. Don't covet another person's gifts. You could not walk in another person...

In A Day

Feb 22, 2014 07:23 pm | Glynda Linkous I desire My people would use this time to reflect. Reflect on those you have known and how their lives ended. Reflect on those you know now – do their lives count for much in My Kingdom? Make your lives count, My children, with kindness, love, giving, encouragement – with sharing your testimony, with helping others to get free. I desire My people would set goals for themselves for this year – that they would make a mark on this world they live in with their lives in some way – by being kind every day, especially to those they do not know and those who do not know Me. I desire My people would become involved in the communities where they live. Because of the technological advances of your generation, My people, too many of you have become isolated. Meanwhile, precious souls die in your streets, never knowing My Son’s sacrifice was for them. Go out of your houses and reach out to the dark and dying world around you, My children, for...

Begin Again

Feb 10, 2014 04:00 pm | Glynda Linkous   I am making all things new again. Often, before I build, I must tear down what previously existed. Therefore, you will now see Me tearing down in areas where I am planning new growth. Do not panic, My children, but rejoice! Rejoice that your Father is at work in your world. Rejoice that many of your prayers are being answered. Rejoice! Rejoice that I am renewing that which concerns you. Many of you have entered into covenant relationships which are not My will for you. You ask why you struggle so; this is the answer. You will always struggle when you get outside My will for you. Did I not say, “My yoke is easy?” And so it is. If you are struggling, ask yourself if this is why, then ask Me for the best way out if it is, for I will always make a way of escape for you. Anything outside My will takes away your daily peace and brings struggle and hard labor into your lives. When you stay in the walk with Me, it is not s...

The Winds of Judgment

Feb 02, 2014 08:30 pm | Glynda Linkous A time is coming soon when My people shall need each other as never before. I shall teach you the true meaning of ‘love thy neighbor as thyself,’ My children, for circumstances shall turn dire suddenly and require you to reach out to each other in order to survive. But I shall use those circumstances to bring many souls into My Kingdom. Use the time now to get to know others around you and to prepare yourselves in My Holy Word that you may minister to others when that time comes. My children, America has long defied Me and rebelled against My commandments, and My people cry out for judgment. This judgment will come and it will be as severe as her turning away from Me has been. Know that the winds of judgment have begun blowing and more are coming her way. I have long shown mercy to this nation, but I am a Righteous Judge, and its wickedness continues increasing. Mark 12:30-31: 30  And thou shalt love the Lord thy God...