Triumphing Over your Taskmasters
May 24, 2014 Triumphing Over your Taskmasters The Lord gave me an incredible word for the body of Christ this morning. In the book of Exodus chapter one, after Joseph and his whole generation had died, the Israelite's were fruitful, and increased abundantly in Egypt because of him. When the new king had seen this, he was fearful and put task masters over them to oppress them. The task masters made their lives bitter with harsh labor and afflicted them with heavy burdens; but as they did this, something unusual was happening. The more that the Israelite's were oppressed as the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly, the more they multiplied and spread abroad. The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you have been driven and oppressed by the enemy, as well as used and abused by people. Some of you have gone through situations which have been brutal. As you fear God and not man, these afflictions are going to bring you i...