
Showing posts from August, 2014

Show me Your Glory

August 23, 2013 Show me Your Glory Throughout the bible we read about phenomenal encounters that people had with the King of Glory. In the book of Exodus chapter 33, whenever Moses went out to the tabernacle, the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord spoke to him. All the people who observed this, rose up and worshiped God. The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Moses said to God; "if Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here". The Lord replied, "This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favor in My sight, and I know you by name." Moses replied, "Please, show me Your glory." In the book of John chapter 17 when Jesus was praying to the father He said, "The glory which You have given Me, I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one". The King of Glory "Jesus" is ab...

Walking as Jesus Walked

August 16, 2014 Walking as Jesus Walked We are obviously living in perilous times which is evident to believers as well as unbelievers, but this is not the time to draw back in fear. The Lord is calling us to walk as Jesus walked on this earth in strength and determination as well as holiness and righteousness. The Lord says, I have created you in My image. I have created you to represent Me in this hour. You are set apart for My purposes and plans, and I will move mightily on your behalf as you walk in integrity and sincerity, and walk in a manner worthy of Me. As you allow Me to take dominion over every area of your life, you will begin to see with the eyes of faith. You will begin to trust Me as challenges arise. Trust Me to strengthen you in the things that you are unable to accom...

Wings of Prophecy

Final Answer Aug 12, 2014 04:21 pm | Glynda Linkous My children, rejoice in these days before you. These are days of a quality unlike any you have known. ***NOTE:  I saw and heard the sound of wheels grinding, like to a stop, what I saw looked like the workings of a giant clock. A change is coming – very soon. This is a time of choices – most important choices – to be saved, or not; to serve Me, or not; to answer My calling, or not. These are the days of choices with eternal consequences. Some of you have seen lately the consequences falling in the lives of those who continue to reject Me, or refuse to live for Me, even while professing My Name. Choose carefully now, My children, for when time is ending, you do not always get another chance to choose. It is time to give Me your final answer, for the end is near. I shall now accelerate My plan in the earth, that My chosen ones – My Bride – may return home to Me at her appointed time. Will you ac...

Watch Out

 Please i want you to watch  carefully Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, if she is not a christian let's pray for her, to be saved. Prepare the way of the Lord in you heart. The Messiah is coming.

The Rear View Mirror

    August 9, 2014 The Rear View Mirror Many of you feel stagnant in your walk with the Lord, and the reason is that you are reliving your past. Some of you are having a difficult time letting go of old memories. It is imperative to release the memories of the mistakes and misfortunes as well as the memories of the good times that you had, so that you could move forward into everything that Jesus has for you. Your past or current situation does not determine your future destination. The Lord says; forget what lies behind. Don't hold on to past memories that will burden you down and bring bitterness to your soul. Don't see yourself as the person who you were in the past, and do not entertain thoughts of regret. You are no longer the man or woman that you once were. Don't ...

What is In Your Hand?

  August 2, 2014 What is In Your Hand? In the book of Exodus, The Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and asked him to go to Pharoah with a prophetic word. Moses replied, "But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, 'The Lord has not appeared to you.' Then the Lord said to Moses, "What is that in your hand?" Moses replied "a rod". The scripture goes on to say how the Lord commissioned Moses along with Aaron to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. Although He released miracles, signs and wonders, Pharaoh resisted the word from the Lord to "Let My people go" until He sent ten plagues on Egypt. The Lord used Moses with his rod to part the Red Sea for the children of Israel to escape as Pharoah and his army drowned.  In the book of First Samuel the Lord used a rock and a slingshot in the hands of David to slay Goliath. He also used Davids mighty men to kill thousands with spears. One man n...

Calling Down Fire From Heaven

    July 26, 2014 Calling Down Fire From Heaven There is a story in the bible about the prophet Elijah confronting the prophets of baal on Mt. Carmel. Elijah invited 450 prophets of baal to a challenge. He said to them " How long will you waver between two opinions? If The Lord is God, then follow Him".  If Baal is God, then follow him. Elijah then told them to make a sacrifice without a natural fire and the God who answers by fire will prove to be God. They built an altar, slaughtered, cut oxen, and laid them on the wood of the altar. Elijah told them to pray for their god to send fire to light their sacrifice. The prophets of baal prayed all day and night, and even cut themselves to offer blood to their god without success as Elijah mocked their god.  Elijah then told them to pour water on the altar three times. When he called on the Lord, God sent fire and consumed the water, the sacrifice and the stones. When all the people saw it, t...