Unfamiliar Ground
Unfamiliar Ground Oct 30, 2014 08:50 pm | Glynda Linkous Many of you have entered into unfamiliar ground and desire understanding of what is transpiring. I have chosen certain of My people for special end times purposes for My Kingdom, and your training is starting. Training is often uncomfortable and the enemy may try to frighten you with your circumstances, but I desire My people would evidence their strong faith in Me by refusing to fear and continuing in My ways and obeying Me in all things. (I saw in the Spirit financial training, but also emotional training – very strong training) You will be tempted in these times to turn to methods not of Me, My children, but this will only delay your deliverance. Walk only in My ways. Respond in this time of training as you know I want you to respond, and you will pass through it quickly. Do not lose sight of your prize – this time shall not last forever, and I desire you would continue to bear...