Fresh Oil from Heaven
August 29, 2015 Fresh Oil from Heaven Jesus told a parable about ten virgins. Five of them were wise and carried oil along with their lamps, and the other five were foolish because they didn't carry oil along with their lamps. They were all wearied from waiting for their bridegroom to come. Oil speaks as a metaphor of the Holy Spirit, and the bridegroom speaks as a metaphor of Jesus. Many of you are becoming fatigued because you don't sense the Holy Spirit moving in your lives. You have been waiting for God to visit you once again but you are not experiencing His presence. Some of you have even felt as if the glory has departed (Ichabod) from your life. Jesus wants you to carry fresh oil, and He will release His fresh oil from heaven to fill your lamps once again. The Lord says, come unto Me and allow Me to release My glory upon you and anoint you with fresh oil once again. Just as the precious oil, upon the head of Aaron, that ran down his b...