
Showing posts from November, 2015

Positioned With a Purpose

   November 28, 2015 Positioned With a Purpose One day I was in my car at a traffic light waiting for it to turn green. The traffic was heavy and there were several cars in front of me also waiting to go. When the signal light turned green I looked ahead to see why the cars in front of me were not moving. I noticed that the first car at the front of the line was holding everyone else up. This delay was causing some of the people in front of me to become impatient and agitated, and then something caught my attention. I noticed how each car had to move in sequence one car at a time in order for the traffic to start flowing. The second car couldn't move until the first one moved, the third car couldn't go anywhere until the first and the second car moved and so forth.  The Holy Spirit spoke to me in that moment and said, this is why the body of Christ is not advancing as they should. There are leaders who are not moving forward as they are supposed to,...

You Must Understand The Moving Of My Hand

You Must Understand The Moving Of My Hand- 11-20-15 Transcript of Prophecy given at SOG on 11-20-15) The Lord speaks: “Children, I have drawn you to My breast tonight, and I want you to drink deep of My Spirit. I want you to see and hear, and I want you to know that I am here. That I am making Myself very clear. I do not want My People to be in stress and fear. I want you to know that I am here, that I am with you, and for you, and that I am leading you into all truth. I am guiding you, and My Signs give you proof, for I give you a Covering. I give you a Holy Roof.” “So why would you fear the things that would shake the world this year? Why would you be in stress, over the things that I am moving and changing in the earth? You must understand the moving of My Hand. I am here to set people free across every land. I am here to extract the roots that have been keeping My People bound. I am here to set free entire nation’s ground. You must understand those things that ...

Hold Tight to Your Faith

Hold Tight to Your Faith My People, be ye not like the unwise virgins, but store up much oil for the times ahead, for the times upon you are unlike anything that has come before. My Judgment is upon the world – the nations, My House, and all peoples. And so you will see much that amazes you. You shall see signs in the heavens, and also in the earth. The enemy of your souls, too, is at work in the Earth, doing his utmost to discredit My Son’s work at the Cross, and the truth of My Gospel. Above all, My Children, increase your knowledge of Me, and hold tight to your faith, and your understanding, for you will need it to endure to the end. And rejoice! For your time to come home to Me is nearer than ever before! The end of all things has begun. Now all scriptures must needs be fulfilled, and then the end shall come. Matthew 25:1-3 1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 ...


                November 21, 2015 THE LAZARUS GENERATION IS COMING FORTH This morning I was thinking about all the great men and women that the Lord has used in extraordinary ministries. I was wondering why most of those who are called to be a voice for the Lord, or who have ministries of miracles, signs and wonders have been through so much adversity throughout their lives, but then I heard the Holy Spirit say, they are "The Lazarus generation". These are men and women on the front lines whom I have loosed from a death sentence and have chosen as My end time warriors. Then I seen Jesus removing their grave clothes.    The Lord says; "Lazarus come forth" as I am calling out to the Lazarus generation. I am calling those who have tasted of death, and I am loosing them from their grave clothes as I speak to the death sentence and say "loose them and let them go". I will remove and discard their filthy garment...

Thousands of Souls

Thousands of Souls I was singing worship music and praying while I cooked when I realized my spirit was grieving.  What is this grief, Lord? I have no reason to grieve today that I know of. And He began to speak this word to me. Thousands of souls lost in one hour in America. Disaster is coming to America. Repent, children, repent! For you know not when it comes, or how. Repent! Share My saving gospel with all those you know who know Me not, for time is very short for many, and there will be no second chance, for they shall be taken suddenly, and without warning. I have told you that you live in very perilous times, My Children, and it is so, but these times are so much more perilous for those who remain unsaved. Seeking worldly pleasures, they deny Me, and think there is much time, but it is not so. Lift up prayers for them today, children, for many shall soon be taken very suddenly with no remedy. Pray, that I may save some of them this day. Luke 19:10 ...

A Time of In Between

A Time of In Between These times are very trying for My People. Nothing is as it was, and what is to come is not yet. A time of in between. In this time of in between, nothing shall be as it at first appears. Many who appear to be for you are actually against you, and plotting your destruction.  My People  need not fear, because I am their strong tower, I am their shield. But those who know Me not have much to fear. My People, reach out to the lost around you, for soon it shall be too late for those. I will bless you mightily for your efforts and kindness. Tell them of My Son, Jesus. Do not despair if they mock you, but rejoice that you have obeyed Me, for many shall hear the gospel for the last time in just this way. Share. Share the gospel, share your possessions. Share in kindness, for the world around you perishes, and each time you share, you are laying up treasures for yourself, and you are honoring Me, your father in heaven, and I see your givin...


   November 14, 2015 THE ROD OF AUTHORITY In the book of Exodus, The Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and asked him to go to Pharaoh with a prophetic word. Moses replied, "But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, 'The Lord has not appeared to you.'  Then the Lord said to Moses, "What is that in your hand?" Moses replied "a rod". The scripture goes on to say how the Lord commissioned Moses along with Aaron to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt.  Although He released miracles, signs and wonders, Pharaoh resisted the word from the Lord "Let My people go" until He sent ten plagues on Egypt. The Lord used Moses with a rod to part the Red Sea for the children of Israel to escape as Pharaoh and his army drowned. In the book of First Samuel the Lord used a rock and a slingshot in the hands of David to slay Goliath. He also used Davids mighty men to kill thousands with spears. One man nam...

“The Ancient Gate Of New Zealand Encounter”

As I waited in the Lord's Presence, I saw the nation of New Zealand. I saw into the heavenlies above it, and I saw a very ancient gate that had been closed a very long time. It was very old, and had deep writing etched into it. I could not read it, but I knew that this was part of its ancient heritage. I then saw the gate open, and I heard the sound of wind blowing from behind the gate. A very great wind then began to blow behind the gate, and then within the wind, I heard voices.  The voices of the generations were speaking into the earth again. The Lord has opened an ancient gate so that the voices that are ordained to release His sounds into New Zealand can now come forth. It is time for the Ancient Sounds to flow from heaven to transform nations and to release His Kingdom into the ends of the earth. It has begun... Later on, I asked the Lord if I could go through that open gate, and He took me in. I walked through the gate into a stone lined round tunnel, and on t...

Eternal Echoes and Do Not Lose Faith

Eternal Echoes Be extra mindful to bless others in this time, for not only are you laying up treasure in heaven for yourselves, but I also am receiving what you do. By showing others My Kindness and Mercy, you demonstrate My Love in the earth, and lead others towards Me. Whenever you bless “the least of these,” your kindness and mercy creates eternal echoes, My Children, for it is talked about in heaven, and also recorded, as well as being talked about in the Earth. Pray, and look for opportunities to show My Love to the unloved and unlovely in the Earth, for you do Me great honor as you do this. Matthew 25:40-46 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave...