The Honeycombs, the Habitations, and the Waves of Honey

I have seen honey coming from the Lord unto His people over the past two weeks in several visions. This honey flows from Him unto and into them, and it is as a healing balm to their troubled souls, to their weary spirits, and to their sick bodies. The Father has a vested interest in His People and is answering their cries and their petitions. In one vision, I was standing in the heavenlies on a platform and the Lord and I was looking out and down to the earth far, far below. He said to release the honey to the earth. So I began speaking what came to me mind to speak. As I spoke, the words came out of my mouth like honeycombs. I took the honeycomb in my hand, and the Lord said to throw it to the earth. When I did, the honeycombs would hit the earth like bombs. Explosions would erupt wherever the honeycombs hit. This would cause clouds to form over the area that was hit. I did not see what happened in the cloud, but I knew it was good. The Lord nodded in agreement w...