
Showing posts from January, 2017

Now onto the Word for 2017: A Cold Night in America:

It’s a cold night in  America,  but the LORD says;  I AM taking coals from My altar and I AM warming the collective heart of America towards me and towards each other. There is much damage that has been done says the LORD.  The people in America, both believers and non-believers have been pushed to the edge.  Racism, economic unfairness, corruption, greed and other issues have torn the nation apart. Never before has America been so divided.  But, the LORD says that I AM coming to warm the hearts of a dry and thirsty land.  I AM going to strengthen the weary, the battle warn. I AM coming like a river to flow over this land again.  Through its streets, fields, cities and towns. I AM coming to bring unity, yes unity to not only My people but to all Americans.  You may say “IMPOSSIBLE”. The LORD says; I will use the man called  Trump  to do it.  I will make America great again.  Who do you think gave Trump the sloga...


I want to share a prophetic dream that I found in my journal from some time ago. I dreamt that I was holding a baby girl who was no more than a month old. I was showing the people in the room how amazing this baby was. It was fascinating to watch that whatever I called out, the baby pointed to as I was holding her. I said the word refrigerator and she pointed to it. I said the word telephone and she pointed to it. I said the word television and she also pointed to that. Then I told the people that the baby learned these things because when she was in her mothers womb she heard everything that was being said. When I woke up I knew that this dream had a significant prophetic meaning. I asked the Lord what the meaning was. The Holy Spirit showed me the meaning of the three appliances that were illustrated. The refrigerator represented what we are feeding ourselves, the telephone represented the words that we speak, and the television represented what we are focusing on and how w...


There is a story in the Old Testament about a prophet (seer) named Samuel whom the bible says that as he grew, not one of his words fell to the ground, meaning that every prophetic word that he spoke came to pass.  He heard the audible voice of the Lord as the Lord called him at a very young age.  At the time, he did not recognize the Lord's voice at first. (1 Samuel 3) but then he answered and was launched out as one of the greatest prophets in history.   In the book of 1 Samuel 9, there is a story of a man named Saul who was also called to be a prophet (seer) with a unique gift.  Saul's father Kish lost his donkeys and sent Saul and his servant to look for them.   In 1 Samuel 9 when Saul went to look for his father's donkeys, he first passed through Ephraim. Ephraim means double fruitfulness.  Then he passed through Shalisha.  This word means "Three things" and this is the first place that the fruits ripen each year. Then he passed throu...

I Have Gone Ahead and Why Do You Settle

  You are unsure about your next step. My child, do you not know, I guide your every step? You can take your next step in faith knowing I have everything prepared ahead of you, for I have already gone ahead of you and prepared the way where I am leading you.     Whenever I say, “Come,” all you need do is move towards Me in faith. I have gone ahead of you on the path and prepared every step of your journey, that every ounce of provision you will need will be there, on time. You can trust Me.     Your part is to listen for My voice. My part is to make your way ready.     Step out in faith when I call you, all will be well.                                                   Proverbs 16:9 ...


In the book of Exodus chapter one, after Joseph and his whole generation had died, the Israelite's were fruitful, and increased abundantly in Egypt because of him. When the new king had seen this, he was fearful and put task masters over them to oppress them. The task masters made their lives bitter with harsh labor and afflicted them with heavy burdens; but as they did this, something unusual was happening. The more that the Israelite's were oppressed as the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly, the more they multiplied and spread abroad. The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you have been driven and oppressed by the enemy, as well as used and abused by people. Some of you have gone through situations which have been brutal. As you fear God and not man, these afflictions are going to bring you into expansion, growth and prosperity.  The Lord says; those who have tried to manipulate you and belittle you will soon recognize the favor on your life. Those w...