
Showing posts from March, 2017

For My Prophets

My prophets, this is the beginning of a new time for you. As John the Baptist announced my arrival in the earth, you will now begin to announce My return. Prepare ye the way of the Lord and make straight His paths! Tell all the world that I am coming back soon – do not delay to do this. Do it now. Tell them! Luke 1:76-80 76 And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; 77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, 78 Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, 79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. 80 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto I...


AMERICA ABLAZE The other night I attended a church service where the atmosphere was electrified with the presence of God and there were many healings, miracles, signs and wonders. Todd Bentley was ministering and released a prophetic word for the East Coast. He said that we are coming into a time when we are going to experience the power of Holy Spirit moving in a mighty way. Just as it was in the days of Katherine Kuhlman and Maria Woodworth Etter, God is going to revisit us once again. When Maria Woodworth Etter ministered, the presence of God could be felt fifty miles away. Don't limit what Jesus wants to do. This meeting was held in the state of New Jersey which is known as "The Garden State". During the meeting the Lord showed me a field of flowers, and the Holy Spirit said that He was going to visit the Garden state once again. We are going to experience another move of God in America. New York, New Jersey as well as...



“The Holy Oil and the Fire Hoses from Heaven Vision

I was praying about a message for our meeting on Sunday morning in Brockport. I then went into a vision and saw the entire Rochester region spread out before me. I saw sparks of fire sparking in places, and a few small flames here and there. As I watched, I saw these massive long silver poles come down from heaven and they set down over the region where the sparks and the small flames were. As I watched, I then saw many angels descend and they slid down the poles much like a fireman would on the way to a fire. The angels then raised their hands and a long hose like extension came down from heaven, and the angels grabbed them and ran to where the sparks were sparking, and to where the small flames were burning, and they pointed their hoses to the fires. I thought they were going to put them out. I became alarmed, and said, “Lord, are you going to put out the very fires that you are birthing here?” The Lord then said, “Just watch Sue.”  I watched as the angels signaled to heave...

“The Mountain, the Ranger Station, and the Firestorm of the Shekinah Glory”

 In the vision, I am standing upon a mountain with binoculars, and everywhere I look it is full of baby trees about knee high. It had been recently planted and all the small trees still had their little tags on them. They were all gently blowing in the wind and then I turned to look in another area and I saw a Ranger Station built very high up in the air with a ladder that you had to climb up to get to the top lookout and the wrap around deck. Suddenly a man approached me and said, “What do we need a lookout tower for? We don’t get any fires or storms here. Look at how small these trees are. We can see everything for ourselves. This is a waste of resources and also of our time. Nothing ever happens here.” I put down my binoculars to see who it was that had spoke, and there was no one there. So I thought that I would go and see if anyone was in the Ranger Station. The scene changed. I am walking to the Ranger Station with my binoculars around my neck, and a backpack ...


  King David was called and chosen as a young shepherd boy. He was known for slaying Goliath whom the Israelites feared and was not able to defeat. The reason why he knew that he would have the victory over Goliath was because he had already killed a lion and a bear (hidden victories in his private life) before he defeated Goliath (Public victories in front of the Philistines, Israel as well as with his brothers). He had been through many battles but he always came out victorious. He was a king and a leader as well as a poet and a musician. He was a warrior but also a man after Gods own heart. There was a time when David was running from Saul, and the Lord sent him to the cave of Adullam. There were four hundred men in this cave who were in distress, in debt and discontented. David taught them how to be invincible warriors, raised them up and trained them as a mighty army. In 1 Samuel chapter 30 when David and his men returned home from war, ...

Live by My Spirit

  As you draw close to Me, you become more and more a new creature. Worldly things that once thrilled you will no longer appeal to you. More and more, you will be drawn to truth and what is spiritually correct. When you live by your flesh, you will stay entangled in the world. You will struggle to hear Me and be drawn to those things you ought not to do. When you live by My Spirit, you will be drawn to the things of Me and My Spirit. Your spirit grows stronger and filled with more of My light. You will long to live in the quiet of My Peace. The world is no longer able to fulfill you in your transformed state, and you long for more of Me. When you live by your flesh, your flesh grows stronger and you will struggle to free yourself of its hold on you. You will struggle to get free of sin. When you live by My Spirit, sin cannot hold you. Your struggles are little and My burden is light upon you. Do you not wish to live free of worldly struggles? Do you not want to be free o...


In the book of Acts chapter two we read about the day of Pentecost when the disciples were in the Upper Room in one accord, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. They were so intoxicated with the glory of God that some of the onlookers thought that they were literally drunk with wine. Peter went on to say, these men are not drunk as you suppose, and he quoted the prophecy from the book of Joel 2:28 -32. In the book of Acts chapter four Peter and John were thrown into prison because they were speaking about Jesus being resurrected from the dead. A revival broke out in the prison and many were healed. They were brought before the elders, the scribes and the high priests. After witnessing many miracles, they asked Peter and John, by what power or by w...

There is a Traitor among Donald Trump’s staff

February 26th, 2017 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare Spoken by Jackie Jesus began… “It is thought that those closest to you can do the most damage, but in reality it is the ones who carry the greatest responsibility that will be targeted by the enemy to bring you down. Donald has many fine staff members, but truly there is a traitor among them and this will be brought to the light. I grieve for him, Clare. This man is truly going through a crucifixion because of those around him that want to see him ruined. They say one thing with their mouths but have already planned how they will stab him in the back and bring him down.” “I will not allow it. He is not going down. America, pray for your president – he is suffering much in this hour. He has reached out the hand of fellowship to different people in high positions, but who can be trusted?” “As it is written, Cursed is the man who relies on men but blessed is he who relies on Me. Jeremiah 17 and… I entrusted...


   THE MASTER POTTER   The Holy Spirit showed me a lump of clay on a potter's wheel. The potter began to spin the wheel as he molded and shaped the piece of clay as he formed it. When making pottery on a potter's wheel, the clay has to first be centered, then water is applied before the potter begins his creation. The potter then shapes the clay into the image that he desires. There are different wheels used to create different vessels. The Lord has designed each one of us in a distinct way with a specific calling. Each person is created for a unique purpose and plan.  The Lord told Jeremiah to go down to the Potters house to give him a prophetic illustration. When he went, he had seen the potter making something at the wheel. The clay vessel that the potter had made was marred in his hands; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make. Many people don't understand the process of the potter's w...

“Marching forth in the Trade Winds of the Spirit – 03-01-17”

Definition: 1. Trade Winds: any of the nearly constant easterly winds that dominate most of the tropics and subtropics throughout the world, blowing mainly from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. Word Origin C17: from to blow trade to blow steadily in one direction, from trade in the obsolete sense: a track The Winds of Opposition: The winds of opposition have been steadily opposing the purposes of God for this generation, and have been specifically arrayed against the church to stop her from maturing and from advancing. The works of the Winds of Opposition: Financial hardships, Misunderstandings, Offences, Separation, Sickness, Oppression, Depression, Division, Strife, Isolations, False prophecy and false counsel, and Spiritual Setbacks. False prophecy and soulish counsels inspired by the demonic winds have targeted the saints to bring their growth and maturity to a standstill. The Winds of Change and the Tr...

“The Door of His Life Encounter"

    I am standing with the Lord in front of a thick foliage covered door. It had deep etched panels in it, but it was so thickly covered by vines that you would hardly notice it if you were not looking for it. I wondered why it was so thickly covered. The Lord said, “This is the Door to My Life, and few find it, even in your day.” I said, “Lord, why do we not find your doors? Why aren’t we able to step into the fullness of your life?” Jesus said, “Many will not enter into My Life that is available to them, because they do not want to exchange their lives for Mine. Many want Me on their terms, but they do not want Me fully on Mine. I am the Life given for all men, but not all men want to pay the price to walk in Mine. This is why most do not walk in the fullness of what I have provided for them and have planned for them. Its time this changes in your day. I want My People to live in My Life now. Come, let’s go in.” Jesus turned and opened the heavy door, and we went into ...

Feed on The Word part1


