My children, pray now. Pray very diligently that you will be counted worthy to escape those things which are soon to come. Pray that your loved ones will be counted worthy to escape those things which are soon to come. They begin very soon, and when they begin, they shall begin very suddenly. It shall all be over for many thousands of peoples in an instant when it begins. There will then be no more chance for them to repent and be saved. Those of you who know now, who know ahead of time, you are responsible to pray for these lost souls. I desire you would lift up prayers to Me each day for these, that I may save them. I desire you would lift up prayers each day that I may save those you love who are lost. My children, do not delay, for time is much shorter than you believe! Do not delay to lift up these prayers to Me, for your time on the earth may be cut short as I am taking many merciful ones home soon, that they may escape what...