
Showing posts from January, 2018


 My children, pray now. Pray very diligently that you will be counted worthy to escape those things which are soon to come. Pray that your loved ones will be counted worthy to escape those things which are soon to come. They begin very soon, and when they begin, they shall begin very suddenly.    It shall all be over for many thousands of peoples in an instant when it begins. There will then be no more chance for them to repent and be saved. Those of you who know now, who know ahead of time, you are responsible to pray for these lost souls. I desire you would lift up prayers to Me each day for these, that I may save them. I desire you would lift up prayers each day that I may save those you love who are lost.    My children, do not delay, for time is much shorter than you believe! Do not delay to lift up these prayers to Me, for your time on the earth may be cut short as I am taking many merciful ones home soon, that they may escape what...


The Lord showed me someone driving a car and constantly looking into their rear view mirror. It’s great to use the rear view mirror to glace back to see how far you’ve come, but if you stare too long you will not see what is right in front of you, or miss your turn. Rear view mirrors are used for clearance and blind spots when changing lanes, but if you continually look in the rear view mirror, you will eventually crash. Many of you are not advancing spiritually because you are constantly looking back and reliving your past. There are memories that you are having a difficult time letting go of. It is imperative that you release the memories, mistakes and misfortunes so that you could advance into what Jesus has for you. Some of you are still traumatized over certain incidents that have occurred in your lifetime. Jesus will take those good and bad times and create a masterpiece. You will be amazed at what the Lord will do with a life th...

Renewal of Hearts and The Price of War

My children, I am doing a work in your hearts now, to prepare you for the soon coming destruction. I am doing a special work in the hearts of those I am calling home soon.    In this time, I will require you to face the darkness in your own souls, and submit it to Me. You must work through unforgiveness, bitterness and sorrow you have carried for many years. You must release those who have wronged you and allow Me to renew a right spirit within you. Unrighteous anger will not serve My purposes, and it dishonors My Name.    Begin releasing these areas to Me now – cry out to Me and I will do a quick work in you that we may move forward, for I am willing. Psalm 51:10 10  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.        The Price of War   My children, a time of unimaginable grief approaches for you. There is no way to prepare you for this level of grief, when all you ...


There is a mighty river of revival that is about to hit the earth. Many of you are also sensing that we are right on the brink of that revival. The river is rising and we are about to step into a deeper realm than we've ever known. Ezekiel had several encounters with God. In Ezekiel chapter three the Lord brought him back to the door of the temple and showed him water flowing from under the threshold. The water was gushing out on every side. It goes on to say that there was a man (Who represents Jesus) who was measuring the depth of the waters which went from ankle deep to a massive river that couldn't be crossed in the natural. Verses 8 and 9 goes on to say that wherever this river goes it will bring healing and life. Verse 12 speaks about the fruit of the trees for food, and their leaves for medicine. John saw the same thing in Revelation 22:1-2 There is an abundance of rain that is about to fall and fill the rivers to overflowing. The Lor...

Year of Intensities

I had been praying and asking the Lord about why so many intense events were taking place in our world – the Hurricane season, the California wildfires, the intense arctic temperatures over much of the U.S., and now the terrible flu spreading everywhere.  What is going on, Lord? These can’t be coincidental.  And He began to speak this word to me.    This will be a year of intensities, My children. As a woman in travail, every event will be more intense than the last. You will see more and more lives being taken with no notice. You are in the time of sorrows, and this will continue to intensify with each passing month.     My children, be sure your affairs are in order, as many of My people shall also be taken in these events. You will not have warning – it shall come upon you suddenly, for it rains on the just and on the unjust. All scripture shall be fulfilled in this time as the end is quickly approaching. You do not know the number of your days...


Every one of us is able to recall a time when we had experienced a life transforming encounter with Jesus. We could never forget that place of the overwhelming presence of His glory. I believe that 2018 is going to be a year of “face to face” encounters with Jesus. Several years ago I had a dream. In this dream I began walking down a long corridor. There were doors on each side of the hallway. I opened one door to the room on my right and it was a hospital room. I then continued walking and opened a door on my left that appeared to be a guest room. As I continued walking I heard singing that sounded like a choir but I knew that it was angels. At this point I knew that I was dreaming and I thought to myself “If I listen, I will be able to hear the angels singing”. I walked to the next door and sat down on the floor listening to the angelic voices singing “Worthy is the Lamb”. The presence of God was so intense. I looked up and saw Jesus. There was a line of people waiting to...


There is a story In the book of Numbers when the Lord told Moses to send twelve men, one from each of the twelve tribes of Israel to spy out the land of Canaan, which is also known as the Promised Land. As I read about the giants in the land and thought about all my friends and ministers who are going through intense spiritual warfare, the Holy Spirit said: “It comes with the territory”. Then He said:  Go and take possession because I have made you well able to overcome.  In the book of Numbers, ten out of the twelve spies came back with a bad report because they had seen the giants in the land. These are the same men who had previously experienced great miracles in which the Lord gave them a cloud by day, a fire by night, manna from heaven, and he miraculously provided for them for forty years in the wilderness. He also parted the Red Sea for them and six million people walked through the sea on dry ground while He destroyed their enemies. When they wen...

The Enemy’s Plan

  My children, the enemy has a specific plan for this time. He is attempting to turn your world into a free-for-all. He started many years ago when he began tearing at marriages and families. Now he continues to work through those who do not know Me, by attempting to remove all restraint, and all protests against sin.      He plans to do this by working against My people and My holy Word. He plans to turn the world against you, My people. By causing others to see you as the ones filled with hate, he will turn the people of the world against you. He will attempt to rid the world of you entirely. These will be very perilous times for all of My children the world over.   These things must be that My Word can be fulfilled and the wickedness of the world can come to an end. Be aware of his plan, My people, for it begins soon. It is already being planned behind the scenes of your world. John 15:18-25 18 If the world hate you, ye know that ...