
Showing posts from February, 2018


                          There is a story in the bible about a great man of faith named Abraham. Abraham and his wife Sarah left their families and even their country trusting the Lord at His word to bless them and make them a great nation. In Genesis chapter seventeen the Lord appeared to him when he was ninety nine years old and told him that his wife Sarah was going to have a baby boy the following year. She would be ninety and he would be one hundred years old. Abraham fell on his face and laughed. Although he was a man of faith, this sounded ridiculous to him. In chapter eighteen, The Lord appeared to him again as three men came to him. He told Abraham once again that Sarah was going to have a son. Sarah overheard this conversation and she also laughed in unbelief. Although they trusted the Lord all along, they were now looking at their situation in the natural whic...

The Weight of Sin

     The weight of the sin of your world is about to come crashing down. I did not create the world to carry sin’s heavy load, just as I did not create you to carry it.    As this load comes crashing down, sin’s weight will throw the natural balances in your world off course. Everything in your atmosphere will change, and these changes will not be good ones. Nothing will work as it has before. Seasons will not stay within their boundaries. Seas will not stay where I put them. Islands and volcanoes will also shift.    As sin becomes too heavy for the world I created to bear, the pressure will cause your world to implode on itself. I will take My chosen ones out of the world before this happens. I will take My worshippers out of the world before this happens. I will take My Bride out before this happens. ...

Dream of Extreme Hail – Judgement on America!

I have been waiting to post this dream and I sense that the time is now. It begins with me standing outside and looking up and when I looked up toward the sky, different objects begin to form. First, there was an object that I cannot identify with, then a rocket ship appeared and was suspended in mid-air. After these appeared, these large circular disks of Ice began to form out of nowhere.  Then all of a sudden, extremely large balls of hail began to pour down really fast and hard. The balls of hair were perfect in roundness and diameter and they were a little larger than baseballs. When the hail began to fall, I immediately felt dread and anxiety come over me and I began to run to seek for shelter from the down pour of the large hail. At first, I was thinking that I should try to make it to a building or to a house, but then all of a sudden, a long rectangular wooden shed appeared and I took cover underneath it. As I took cover underneath the shed, there were a mult...


    In the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 2 Paul told the Corinthian church that he did not come with eloquence of speech or carnal persuasiveness, but with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that their faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.   If we want to experience the supernatural intervention of God, we cannot have the same thoughts as mere men and women. We can no longer see ourselves as grasshoppers as ten of the twelve spies saw themselves as they entered Canaan, but we must see ourselves as Joshua and Caleb. We are more than conquerors. Jesus has commissioned all believers to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons. He has given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us. We have been called to do great exploits and minister with miracles, signs and wonders following. When the apos...


  After Jesus died and was resurrected, his disciples were gathered together in a house with the doors locked. Jesus suddenly appeared to them and said “peace to you”. He showed them his hands and his feet so that they would know that it was truly him. Jesus repeated his greeting, “Peace to you!” And he told them,  “Just as the Father has sent me, I’m now sending you.”  He then breathed on them and said,  “Receive the Holy Spirit.  That word breathed in John 20:22 is  the very word used by the bible translators of Genesis 2:7: 'And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and  breathed  into his nostrils  the breath of life; and man became a living soul. This is the same word for breath (naphach) in Genesis as in the book of Ezekiel. As Ezekiel had experienced a powerful encounter with the God, God told him to prophesy and breathe upon the dead bones and they shall live. When Ezekiel prophesied as he was told...

Angel Food

And you shall not need to bring food into your wilderness houses from the outside, for the angels shall serve you food inside your houses. Food from Heaven shall they bring you, and you shall eat, that you may have strength. I saw that the angel food was to keep God’s people safe, as they will be much pursued and persecuted in this time. It will not be like today, when you leave your house and can be relatively sure you will arrive home safely in the evening. It will be just the opposite.      And you shall sing worship songs to me in the wilderness houses. Those outside the houses shall hear you, but be unable to find you where you are, for they cannot see the houses built with My hands. I saw in my spirit the deep woods, and I heard joyful singing. I saw soldier types searching about, looking for the people singing the songs, but they could not find them.    And this shall be a time of great rejoicing in the Spirit for My people who s...

The Valley of the Shadow of Death

  In the time of the end, My people shall demonstrate My great power, and none shall harm them that obey Me except according to My will.    In this time, shall there be many plagues, and disaster of every kind will abound, but I will not put the plagues I put on Egypt on My people who obey Me. They shall be sheltered and kept safe. Though they walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, they shall fear no evil, for I am with them.    My people, though many comforts shall be taken away, you who obey Me shall not be without comfort, for I have ordained before time that you should have all you need and more even as you live in a war-ravaged land, even as famine abounds, even as those who seek your death pursue you, for I will do many mighty works through you in the time of the end. Exodus 15:26 26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt g...

What the LORD is Saying Today – February 2018

February 1, 2018.   A new phase of your life is happening.  You will be well into it before you realize what’s happening.  You won’t know how to handle this when you realize the big changes.  Everything will be new at first.  Don’t get discouraged.  I AM with you.  Ask Me, then rely on Me to help you maneuver through this time.  You will need to rest in Me.  Be aware of Me by your side directing your steps as you go. Psalm 37:23-24 (ESV) “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand.”    Bev Robinson  February 1, 2018.   Do you remember the children’s storybook entitled, “The Little Engine That Could”?  Its story was used to teach children about the value of optimism and hard work.  Its charge can be used as a reminder for you as a believer in regard to intercession.  So...