“The Hidden Wisdom, the Earth in Full Labor, and the Harvesters Prophecy

‘The whole earth will be full in pregnancy and in expectancy and in desire, as the waters continue to go higher. Hear the things I would say to you, My Children. It is time to desire the higher. It is time to desire that which is already in you, to begin to come forth. For I have given you much in this generation. I have given you knowledge, and understanding, and counsel, and My Word, and I have even given you administration. But Children, there is much more coming so I can change the nations. Its time to move from ankles to knees, to loins, to shoulders, to swimming, and My water is just now brimming, and Yes, I have been trimming. Because I want it to not just to brim, I want you to begin to swim. I want you to begin to move in the deep knowledge of Me, because the earth is crying out for the knowledge of Me! The earth is crying out to see Me,...