
Showing posts from January, 2019


  There are several instances mentioned in the bible where people had encountered giants. In the book of Numbers the Lord told Moses to send twelve men, one from each of the twelve tribes of Israel to spy out the land of Canaan (The Promised Land). They returned to Moses with a cluster of grapes that was so huge that it took two men to carry. But they had returned with a bad report saying "although the land surely does flow with milk and honey the giants are too large for us to conquer" They also said, "We were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." This was due to their own intimidation. When Caleb heard this report he said, let us go up and possess the land. Joshua and Caleb went in and returned saying that the land flows with milk and honey, the Lord is with us, and do not fear the giants because they will be bread for us.. The book of 1 Samuel chapter 17 mentions another giant named Gol...


                              Last night I was watching a video of a couple who were driving to the hospital to have a baby. The women was in labor and began to cry out that the baby was being born. Right then and there she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in the car. There was no way of keeping this baby from coming into the world at his appointed time. The Lord brought me to the book of Exodus 1:15-21 when Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill the first born males as soon as they were born but the midwives refused. When Pharoah asked them why they didn't obey, the midwives replied: "because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them." Many of you have been pregnant with gifts from God and are about to suddenly give birth to that which the Holy Spirit has deposited in you. Thes...

Be Ready

 My Children are not preparing for what is soon coming into their lives. They live in denial, thinking this is not the time of the end.    My Children, do not let the enemy deceive you into thinking there is no urgency to prepare yourselves now for you live in the time of My Great Wrath. (the time when His Wrath is getting ready to be released – God’s faithful people will I believe be taken out before His Wrath is poured out.)    I have accelerated time to bring about the end more quickly so I may bring all of My Children home to Me. You can see this is true, as you have observed the changes around you (accelerating). You have observed, too, strange happenings that tell you something is amiss in the order of things.    The sins of man have risen to be a great weight on the Earth and it will not much longer bear up under the weight of them. It will begin to creak and crack as it breaks apart. Know when you see this that the time is upon you. Be ready....

2019: Persecutions Increasing

I received this message on December 29, 2018.  The two main ‘HOT’ topics that I keep hearing from the LORD lately, are ‘ WAR is coming , ‘ and ‘ PERSECUTION is coming .’ These are not very popular subjects to keep bringing up, however, I will continue to be faithful to our LORD JESUS by being the messenger of what HE has shared with me. Please pray about these messages that I have received, for not only your own confirmation, but how you are to respond to them personally. Message: “This will be a year of persecution increasing.  There will many who are not ready for this. Help strengthen their faith in Me, so that they will hold true to ME till the end. Their light will not be snuffed out, but only changed into glory.  They will increase My number of converts, as many will turn to ME as a result. Righteous cries will be heard and MY purposes accomplished.  You will suffer for MY name sake, thus proving that you are MY disciples. Pr...


                                We are living in exciting times as a new strength and a new zeal is coming to the body of Christ. There will be new journeys for some, and new beginnings for many. We are about to see an increase in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and true prophets will be emerging. There is a story in the Old Testament about a prophet (seer) named Samuel, whom the Bible says that as he grew, none of his words fell to the ground, meaning that every prophetic word that he spoke came to pass. When he was a young boy he heard the audible voice of the Lord calling him. He didn’t recognize the Lord's voice at first but when he did, he answered saying "Speak for your servant hears". In the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 9, there is a story of a man named Saul who was also called to be a prophet (seer) with a unique gift. Saul's father, Kish, l...

I Saw the Lion of Judah Stepping Into Time!

I saw the Lion of Judah stepping into Time. And I heard the words to the song, “How Great is our God.”  All of heaven was singing this as the Great and Holy Lion of Judah came forth. And I heard this, “I have come to avenge My Own; Recompense is in My Hand.” “Beloved.  I AM not just an observer of the times and seasons in your life. No, Dear One.  I saved you and you are Mine.  I have not left you as orphans.  The Lamb is a Lion. He who touches you touches the Apple of My Eye.  I have heard your cries. Can you feel the darkness trembling? Fear not, but watch what I shall do.  Let your heart sing for joy with the Heavenly Hosts. If your God is for you, who can stand against you, My Child? I AM stepping into your circumstances; be still and know that I AM God. Be filled with all comfort, My Beloved. I have come to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.  Vengeance belongeth unto Me; I will recompense,” saith the LORD. AVE...


  On New Years Eve the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation similar to one that I received when I first accepted Jesus in 1984. As believers we should not tolerate mediocre Christianity. Everywhere that Jesus went people were healed, delivered, the blind received sight, the deaf received their hearing, the lame walked and the dead were raised. The same thing happened with the disciples in the book of Acts. Jesus has given us the same authority to rule and reign on earth.    The bible says that the natural mind cannot discern the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned. In 2019 the Lord wants us to begin to rule and reign. Not with arrogance, control or manipulation, but to realize who we are in Christ. A well-known prophet once said: “When you realize who you are in Christ, you will realize that you are behaving below your nature and living short of your potential.   In the book of Genesis God said, "Let Us make...


There is a certain altitude where snakes do not go in which scientists call "The snake line". This snake line is a particular plateau at a given elevation above sea level. For some reason snakes cannot go above this level. Many hunters and campers are wise to this so they set out for camping above the snake line. Staying above this line will keep a person out of danger but for those that are unaware of this might fall victim to the deadly venom of a serpents bite. We know this to be true in the natural but the bible refers to the devil allegorically as a serpent or a snake. The book of John says that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy but as a Christian you can live above the snake line. You are called to live above the enemies’ tactics and outwit him at every level. When you are living from a high place the enemy cannot touch you. The devil is trying to spew his venom at people every day but you don't have to be a captive to his ...