
Showing posts from March, 2019


                                          Every one of us is able to recall a time when we experienced a life transforming encounter with Jesus. We could never forget that place of the overwhelming presence of His glory. I believe that some of us are going to experience extraordinary “face to face” encounters with Jesus in the days ahead. Several years ago I had a dream. In this dream I began walking down a long corridor. There were doors on each side of the hallway. I opened one door to the room on my right and it was a hospital room. I then continued walking and opened a door on my left that appeared to be a guest room. As I continued walking I heard singing that sounded like a choir but I knew that it was angels. At this point I knew that I was dreaming and I thought to myself “If I listen, I will be able to hear the...

Touching lives



In the book of Genesis chapter 28, Isaac told Jacob to go to Padan Aram to get a wife. As Jacob went on his journey as his father requested, he stopped to sleep with his head on a stone. He had a dream which was not just an ordinary dream, but it was a prophetic dream/encounter in which God spoke to him. In this dream the Lord showed Jacob a ladder going up into heaven with angels ascending and descending upon it, and the Lord standing above it. He then gave Jacob a promise which was similar to the promise that He gave to Abraham. As I was reading this, the Holy Spirit quickened verse fifteen to me where the Lord said to him:   "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." The Lord has given many of you a dream but you don't understand where He is sending you or what you are supposed to do. Jesus is saying the same thing to yo...


    My Children, I have told you that you live in the Age of Chaos and this is true. This chaos that you see will increase again and again as time continues. It will increase more and more until My People feel no peace. This chaos will test every fiber of your being.    I have designed the end of all things to test man to his limits. His real limits not his imagined limits, for those who must walk through what is coming are called to do so because they will not submit to My Refining now. If you submit to My Refining now you will not be tested to the end.    I have not created man for chaos, but for peace.    Other words about the coming chaos: Matthew 24:6         6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. John 14:27     ...






The Lord showed me something interesting today. There are several men and women in the bible who hid from Gods calling. There a prophet in the Old Testament named Jonah. The Lord told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh to prophesy against it because of their great wickedness. Jonah refused to go and went from the presence of the Lord on his own way. He got on a ship in Jaffa that was going to Tarshish, which geographically is in the opposite direction of where the Lord told him to go. As he walked out of Gods will, he not only put his own life in jeopardy, but also the men in the boat as well as the people in Nineveh.  As Jonah was asleep in the lowest part of the ship, the Lord sent a great storm. The men on the ship cast lots, to see who was responsible for this great tempest, and found that it was Jonah. Jonah then told the men to throw him into the sea, and after this they did this, the sea ceased from its raging. Jonah was saved by being swallowed ...

America’s Leader

      My Children, you must understand what is coming to America, because it affects all the world.    America’s leader will be replaced by one whose heart is only evil continually. This (new) leader hates My People and will seek to exterminate you (I saw He meant both Christians and Jews). All who believe on My Name will he seek to remove from the earth. My holy Word, My ways, all that resembles Me will he destroy and annihilate. As this transpires, much misery shall abound for My People.    Endure to the end, My Children, for your reward is very great in Heaven and I shall be very merciful to you. 2 Timothy 3:1-3      1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.     2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,     3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fier...


We have heard the expression spoken in a derogatory way “They think that they are God’s gift to men”.  In actuality there are people who are called to be God’s gift to men. The Lord showed me a huge assortment of gifts in various sizes and shapes. Some were wrapped in colorful paper, some were wrapped in festive paper, others were wrapped in plain paper, but there were also those that were wrapped in torn paper. This is what the Lord showed me. Each gift represents those of you who Jesus wants to use in this end time harvest. He wants to use your uniqueness, your personality and even your brokenness. He is about to do wonders among us in the days ahead. The Lord says, I have called every one of you to accomplish something great. I am sending you as My gifts to the world to encourage, exhort, teach and deliver as well as rebuke, warn and bring correction. Some of you are gifts who are called into the five fold ministry as prophets, pastors, teachers, evangel...