The Holy Spirit is showing me something powerful this week. The book of Ecclesiastes chapter three says: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. The scripture goes on to say that there is a time for war and a time for peace. As Covenant children of God we should not always be in warfare mode but as warriors we should never let our guard down. In the book of Nehemiah Chapter 4 the laborers who built the wall did the construction with one hand and held a weapon in their other hand. Every one of them had his sword girded at his side at all times as he built. The book of Ephesians says that we have the full armor of God and the sword of the Spirit (The Word of God) is part of our armor. The Lord is looking for men and women who are tenacious in faith and ready to change the world. He is looking for those who are strong and very courageous. They are not mere men and women but they carry the Spiri...