Today I heard an old aphorism “It’s always darkest before the dawn”. I believe that this adage was taken from the scripture in Isaiah 60:2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. I was thinking about the challenges that each one of us faced this year but then the Lord brought me back to a prophetic word that I had for this decade in October 2019 titled "THE ROARING 20’s" This is a chapter from that word: The Lord showed me meetings where people were gathered in exuberant praise. They were not drunk as some supposed but were filled with the Holy Ghost. Many worshipers were dancing with flags, banners and streamers. The glory cloud is going to move upon congregations once again. We will see people set free, delivered and transformed in their time of worship as the Holy Spirit descends. As people worship with abandon, they will enter into a new place with ...