Dear Brethren,
Today, 7th June 2012, early in the morning, about 5 am, after the mighty intercession for the Church of the LORD, , the LORD took me to see three types of Churches on earth. First, he took me to a church that looked like a big, big cathedral in the form of a hotel building; it has a big hall downstairs and offices from the 1st floor until up to the last floor. In this church I saw two statuses: the first status was when this church was built. It was so beautiful, painted in very nice red and white colors and with beautiful decorations. To my surprised the LORD made me visit it again the second time and I was shocked to see that the Church building had turned into a dirty building and inside it, they were selling used clothing, used shoes and all the workers inside were corrupt and full of evil. In the main hall of the Church people were selling everywhere and the Lord spoke to me and said: go and see if you can even buy any clothes and shoes from them. When I went to see, even the clothing and shoes they were selling were of no quality and use, I was disappointed that I could not find anything good to buy. The Lord spoke to me again and said: imagine that you came here proposing to break down this building, fire everybody in this place renovate or rebuild it; the people inside will not even let you do that, they will kill you and cast you out of this place. One of the workers in this church came to talk to me saying: Sir, the Boss in this place proposed another job to me and he is proposing to pay me $80, what do you think? I was so shocked that I did not answer him and I left in great disappointment and very sad when I left the Church and now I was taken to the second church. Rev. 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
2ND CHURCH - I arrived at the second Church and to my great surprise I found that the Pastor had left a worker selling car parts, including car air conditioners and I thought they were new car parts and when I approached, I heard the LORD say: go, see if you can even buy some car part for your car. I starting looking and I saw, the car parts were even used, old and dirty with black oil and when I saw a worker who came to me and I told this worker: This place is supposed to be a Holy place, a place of repentance with purity, how come you guys sell old things which cannot profit anyone? The worker said: I am only a worker, Sir, you need to come back and tell the owner who is the pastor. I was shocked again at the status of the church.. 3rd CHURCH
The Lord took me to see the third and last church in this journey and when I arrived at the door, I am was shocked that the Church building had no doors, no windows, inside where lots of people selling food and a huge queue of people buying the same food. The floor was not paved and the Church was seriously in shambles. The Lord said again: Try and see if you can even buy some food to eat. I tried to see the same food in the state of shock I was in, but I realized that even the food being sold there was not good to eat, there was feces beside the women selling some kind of rice and I was shocked that this was happening inside the Church of Christ. To my amazement, several people were queuing up to buy and eat that bad food and under very bad environmental conditions.
I got out of that place in utter shock, fear and broken-hearted that the Church is in such a condition. I was trembling at the stark realization of the situation and dire status of the Church.
Message: The Church is selling bad food to the people who are so much hungry to hear and eat the real Word of GOD. The Church sold its birth right because of food. The Church is seeking first the kingdom of this world, instead of seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness. It sold its eternity to the enemy because of the food. When they go the Church with their problems and hunger, they find adulterous messages, messages of material life building instead of eternal life building, word of destruction to hell fire instead of Word of eternal life in heaven. The church does not even have doors and windows of protection. Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Pro 30:8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
Prepare the Church of the LORD because He is coming very soon.
Bro. Augusto Maquengo
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