Greater Works
Children of God, this is your Lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, My beloveds, I come to you at an hour you know not, at a time you least expect. Believe me when I tell you your time is come. It is at hand. The end of all things manifests now like never before. My wrath and fury descends upon the people of the earth. Can you not feel the swiftness of changes, the quickening in your midst? My little ones I have warned and I shall perform it, all I have said I would so, all that I have revealed to My faithful and true. I shall wreak havoc now, plunge man into disarray, I shall be a raging storm without end. I shall descend with My fury, who shall escape? Who can bear it? Only those found in Me. Only My beloved, My beautiful Bride, cherished and possessed. The Chosen of God. My children, as the chaos unfolds across the earth, it is you who must minister and guide the lost. It is you who must be strength unto others, examples of all that I AM and stand for. You...