Word from the LORD: Examine the Intentions of Your Heart
Children of the Most High God, this is your lord and Savior speaking, Yeshua Ha Mashiach,
My beloveds, you who are the apple of my eye, have come to a new trajectory in your walk with Me. Am I not leading you deeper within, into the greener pastures of My sheepfold? Draw close to Me and I shall draw close to you. I shall bring you to new heights and levels of understanding and wisdom in the knowledge and mysteries of God.
Children you must seek Me. You must come before Me and press in. Push forward with great tenacity, endurance and faith - never ceasing from doing My will. My beloved, I delight in those who seek My council not that of men first. Am I not the one who became the High Priest of God to all, Am I not your Master and therefore your teacher?
Children, I shall be reproving and convicting many in this regard. Those who are of Me shall obey Me. They seek My voice and listen. The petition for my council until they receive. It is I who they run to when in doubt, when the uncertain has befallen upon them.
Seek ye My face and you shall abide in My truth. Study My word and allow the Holy Spirit to instruct you. My favor is upon the who strive to show themselves approved - those who are after My heart and honor My ways. They lean not upon their own understanding but that of God, for My ways are higher than your ways. You can not know the truth of God lest it be revealed unto you. The foolish believe otherwise but they are caught in their own wisdom. The one who believes he is wise in his own ways, in his earthly understanding of God shall always be confounded. His errors will be exposed.
My truth can not be corrupted by man's pride and ideologies. My ways are unsearchable yet to the humble I make known the hidden things, secrets and plans.
Children I warn you this day. Do not heed to the doctrines of men but to my light, to Me and my truth, what I choose to reveal unto you. Many perish because of ignorance, vanity and pride - they pursue not Me but what they believe is true, what they call righteous and holy yet is so far from Me.
I know and test the hearts of man. Reflect upon the intentions of your heart this day. Are you seeking Me DIRECTLY in truth or is you own fallen intellect, selfish desires and pride coming before Me and My truth?
Children, I will reprove and chastise each of you accordingly. Examine your hearts and minds this day and make sure you are pursuing Me and My wisdom, not that of your own to comfort your ego.
I AM a God of truth and My children must abide in truth, otherwise you are far from Me. Let not self-deception and vain conceit interfere with your relationship with Me.
I shall be glorified most in My servants of a humble heart, whom follow My commandments and strive ONLY to please Me. Children, I tell you today to examine the intentions, the content of your heart. Are you true and faithful to My Word or yourselves?
Make ready. I come quickly. Love,
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