Appreciate the union. United and ongoing, Harvest

I saw an old man with his wife cleaning their car this afternoon. This caught my attention because in their faible state they were still working together as a couple. Where the man was unable to reach due to old age, his old bride went and clean that side. Two hands on board all for one purpose. Marriage helps you in the sense that where your strength ends your partner is equipped to complete. Husbands and wives are not just there in marriage but they complement each other and are each other’s keeper. Find the one, see you in the other to make your joy glow and produce perfect results. Good health and peace is inevitable if you will find the one. A good marriage is vivacious for that is where love is practiced. 
Hope breaks the ground, softens the texture and reveals the fertile part of the soil so faith the seed can be sown. In sowing, you have a mental picture of the harvest. When I sow maize I have a picture of how it will be in three weeks and also how it will look like when it’s ready to be harvested. I don’t bring into the picture it’s inability to develop due to pests’ attack and because I have a mental picture of the final results which sometimes will end up being even grand than what I perceived I will prevent pests and other destructive organisms from going closer to interrupt the harvest. And if it’s unable to germinate I definitely know something is wrong and will fix it the next time. So it is with faith which is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen and due to the picture you carry in you which defines or supports the tangibility of the harvest, you are not discouraged because the master farmer knows the finale for the crops or fruits expected due to optimistic nature of His profession. Walk by faith because hope always clear the road for you to move. Hope prepares the way so you can sow faith to get a fruitful harvest.


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