Prepare for the Battle - Prepare for the Lord of Hosts
Published on Sep 22, 2014
Prepare for the Battle - Prepare for the Lord of Hosts
May 23, 2012
May 23, 2012
My children do not tarry. Have you come before my throne? Have you
knelt before my feet? Have you begged for mercy? All my children who
follow me have done these things and I have heard them. I have answered
their call. Now will you answer mine? I can tarry no longer. My plan
will come to fruition. Whether you are on the ark or off has been your
choice. I pray you have chosen me. I pray you hear my voice, hear my
call, and have made your choice to follow me. Now is the time to prepare
for the battle. My strong ones are ready for the fight. I have given
them their armor and they have polished its edges. All the chinks are
sealed, all the seams are oiled. Ready yourselves , my children. The
Battle of the Ages commences. Will you choose the side of the righteous
or will you fall to the side of the dark ones? Destiny is fulfilled
now. My house is built. My children labor in the trenches for me, their
Righteous King, the Heir to the Throne. They will be rewarded in my
Kingdom. They fulfill their duty faithfully and I am the One who leads
the Battle. I am the One in command of this army. Together we shall
conquer this world. Together we shall make the earth as a brand plucked
through the fire. All shall be protected that are mine. Prepare for the
Lord of Hosts.
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