The Bible is full of references to Altars in both the Old and New Testaments. There are over 400 references made to Altars in the Bible.

The altars that we stand on determine how far we go in life.


An altar may be defined as:

* A body, a temple (of a person or animal);

* A place of sacrifice, worship, consecration

* A meeting point between human and spirit beings.

* A place where covenants are cut and vows are made;

* A gate into the spirit world to make way for angelic traffic

 (A spiritual highway for angelic or demonic traffic. For this reason, when men on earth raise a righteous altar unto the Lord, it becomes a gateway to heaven - Genesis 28: 16-18)

* A place that can either attract blessings or curses, depending on the spirits that are invoked to consume the sacrifice on it.

There are two broad categories of altars:
* Altars of righteousness raised unto God.
* Altars of wickedness raised unto Satan.


The altar of burnt offering or the brazen altar (Exodus 27:1; 38:1)
It was made of planks of acacia wood overlaid with brass. (Exodus 27:2) Any animal that was to be sacrificed was tied to the horns of the altar to keep it from falling off.
The altar of incense also known as the golden altar.
It was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure gold. This altar stood in the holy place before the veil that is by the Ark of the Covenant.
(Exodus 30:6, 40:5)
Every Wailing Woman wants to see results in her work of intercession. She must begin by yielding her heart and spirit unto the Lord as an altar of consecration. She must daily purify her thoughts, her speech and her lifestyle by the washing of the word of God and the blood of Jesus Christ. By so doing she will dress and maintain a clean altar before the Lord.
God will never despise the incense that comes to Him from a righteous altar. Exodus 20:24-25 specifies what this altar should be.

An altar of earth thou shalt make unto Me, and shall sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace

offerings ... in all places where I record My name I will come unto thee, and will bless thee.

 In building altars of righteousness to our God, the first step is to make our own lives a living altar unto the Lord. Psalm 24:3-6 gives a good description of those who can ascend into the “hill of the Lord” (A reference to God’s altar).


In Numbers 23 Balaam raised altars in an attempt to curse Israel. The altar of Baal in Gideon’s family which Gideon destroyed. (Judges 6:25-32).

In Genesis 8:20 we find the first specific reference to an altar in the Bible. Noah built this altar after the flood. He offered a sacrifice unto God for thanksgiving and appreciation for God sparing his family.

Noah chose the cleanest and best animals to offer to God. Noah’s righteous altar and the burnt offering he presented to God upon it so pleased God that God blessed the entire human family that day. Let us read Genesis 8:21-22.  This shows the power of an altar of righteousness to attract blessings and favor.

 In Genesis 12 Abraham built an altar of sacrifice unto God. (Genesis 12:7-9) Here the Lord appeared to Abraham saying “I am going to give this land to your descendants.” Three generations later when Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, was running from the wrath of his brother, Esau, Jacob encountered God at this very altar ( Genesis 28:11-22) Jacob woke from his sleep and raised an altar to the Lord in that same place saying “God lives here!”. An altar raised to the God in heaven becomes a highway of angelic traffic from heaven to earth.

* Altars have power to bless or curse (Numbers 23:1-30). Altars can and do speak for generations (Genesis 28:11-22).
*Altars stand as a memorial for those who raised them. Even the descendants of godly men who raised righteous altars are blessed by reason of God’s covenant relationship with their ancestors (Genesis 17:15-21, Genesis 22:15-18, 1 Samuel 7:8-12).
* Praise and worship presented from a holy and sanctified altar represent sweet incense that God cannot reject.
* To make progress you must destroy the old altar and its priesthood. (Judges 6:25-31). To obtain the inheritance the Lord has given to us we must deal with the old altars in our families, communities, cities and countries that were raised unto Satan. Gideon did this and the Lord brought him into his destiny as a “mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:11-32)
* You can obtain open heavens by servicing your altar with sweet incense offered in righteousness. Altars open unseen doors in the realm of the spirit. These are the highways for angelic traffic. As gates, altars attract spiritual traffic depending on who built them. Once spiritual highways are opened, they can either become the gates of hell (Matthew 16:18) or the gates of heaven (Genesis 28:12-16).
* One of the most important things we must do is to build altars of righteousness in our locations so that the Holy Spirit can enter through these gates to change the face of the earth.

* An inheritance can be forfeited if it is not protected by an altar of righteousness. Do not forfeit your inheritance by serving idols. If you mortgage an inheritance to powers of darkness you forfeit that lot. (Deuteronomy 8:19-20, Deuteronomy 9:4-6). Demonic spirits from hell, which come through an evil altar into the earth, oppress and disinherit the people who invited them. These spirits working hand in hand with wicked men bring troubles, sickness and death to families, communities and nations. The power you have to bind them and release the captives is directly proportional to the purity and sanctity of your personal altar.
* An altar is an instrument of legislation. The corporate altar of the church is the strongest legislature on earth. Jesus raised the church to be the supreme legislature on earth. (Matthew 16:18).

* In the realm of the spirit there is a clear network of altars. The smaller altars network with the bigger and stronger ones. An individual’s personal altar links up with the community altar, and the altars of the community link with the overall altar ruling the territory or the nation. Abraham in Genesis 12 & 28 raised these kinds of altars at Bethel and Ai.
* If you desire to have greater victory in your spiritual legislation then begin to network with other “watchmen” in your location to raise territorial altars. They are stronger.

* The city altar you build provides a prayer shield for your city. We must return to the old pattern of grooming disciples like Jesus and the Apostles did. Let the Pauls groom the Timothys and let the older women teach the younger ones.
* Through the corporate altar in your city you can help defend and strengthen the territorial church. God is building a people of power.
* You have an obligation to build an altar that will bless and sustain the next generation.

- As a church we have the power to open and shut the gates of heaven. Elijah did this in 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-45.
- The revival must not stop with us. The women must teach their daughters wailing and their neighbors lamentation (Jeremiah 9:20).

- We must, in unity, love and wisdom operate the key of David (Isaiah 22, 1 John 2:1-14)
* From your altar you can enforce God’s judgement on the workers of iniquity in your nation.

It is important to maintain your altar and link it up with the Lamb’s altar in heaven. This is because God deals with us in very clear and specific ways depending on how well we maintain our personal, family or national altars. Remember that;
1. Whatever service you desire to give to God must be presented at your altar with sincerity.
2. The character of the person who raises the altar determines the spirit that comes to consume the sacrifice on the altar. For example, when Abel offered his gifts in righteousness, God responded accordingly. Genesis 4:4-5


  Revelation 5:1-10
1.         Demolish old altars and repent over idolatry.
In raising an altar unto the Lord we must ensure that we are not building on an existing altar that was raised to Satan. That is why we begin with repentance. We must be very thorough. Repent first of your own personal sins and the sins of your forefathers. It must be identification repentance like Nehemiah, Daniel and Ezra did on behalf of their people.

2.         Stand as a Priest/King and plead for mercy.
Identify yourself as a king and priest of God (Rev. 5:10). Begin to appropriate what the scripture says in the book of 1 Peter 2:9 (But ye are a chosen generation ...) concerning you.
Our priesthood is after the order of Melchizedec and Jesus Christ.

3. Address the deity in the name of Jesus Christ, calling it by name.
After taking a thorough repentance for sins committed, we have to break down evil altars and address existing altars, which hinder us. Using the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth address with the Word of God the deity which was enthroned and throw down any existing altars calling them directly by name.

*           Acknowledge the abomination and God’s right to punish the sin of idolatry on your part and on behalf of your people. Realize that every idolatrous altar has links with Satan. Realize also that the worship given to the deities behind those idolatrous altars which dates back many generations even to the fall of man is in actual fact the enthronement of evil by Satan.
4.         Renounce every existing agreement between Satan and those who built that altar.
Renounce every token, dedication, vow, or promise made to that god. Renounce any binding words spoken and deliberately reverse any which may have been placed as injunctions or sanctions against those who will refuse to worship these idols.
5.         Burn the tokens of the covenant.
6.         Defrock the former priesthood.
Remove their priestly garments and take away their staff of authority as well as their mandate to minister at those altars.
7.         Charge the whole of creation to bear witness to what you are doing.
When they entered into these evil covenants our ancestors would invite creation to take note of their deeds. The rivers, mountains, sun, moon and stars were called to witness the enactment of ordinances. Therefore you must also address them to bear witness to your act of reversing of those covenants. Every word must be renounced, reversed and nullified. This is how to render those words powerless and make them of no effect.
8.         Now you must raise a new altar to God.

1.         Locate a spot and make it a place of worship and consecration.
2.         Hallow it by pouring anointing oil, wine or water on it.
3.         Call upon the name of the Lord and ask the three to bear record on earth and in heaven to take note that you are raising an altar to Him on that spot.
4.         Name the altar e.g. an altar of consecration, an altar of remembrance, an altar of righteousness, an altar of restoration, an altar of mercy etc.
5.         Mark your altar. God directed Israel to use twelve stones to raise Israel’s national altar. You have to mark your altar with something memorable.

Only a person who is spiritually alive and qualified can raise an altar.    When God begins to speak to people about altars, He wants to enter into a fresh covenant with them. He wants to visit the land. He wants to bring about changes. That is why we must keep the altars of our nations alive.
When God calls on people to repair their altars He wants to redeem and empower them to carry out a major assignment for Him.

When Elijah rebuilt the altar at Mount Carmel, this singular event caused ripples in the nations. According to 1 Kings 18:39, fire came down, and fear came back to the house of God.
When altars are repaired, God judges wickedness in the Land and when the Spirit of God touches the earth a new season begins. This is what happened in the days of Elijah. 1 Kings 18:40
All the prophets of Baal were killed.

Let us pray for the grace to walk right and run our course to the end without missing the mark.
1.   Ask the Lord to purge you inside and out.
Purge us from - idle words, destructive words, besetting sin and all forms of corrupting influences from our ancestors and our foundations.
2.   Ask God to help you to remain focused.
3.    Pray that the Holy Spirit will become your friend, your guide, your intercessor, and your teacher. John 16: 8-15; Romans 8:26-27.
4.    Pray from Ezekiel 36:11 that God would grant you help speedily and ask God for the following:
* Multiplication of your resources to do the work He has called you to do.
* Increase in the fruits of your labor and the work of your       hands.
* Settlement of your old estate. Remind God to bring to    fulfillment the things He has promised you.   

5.  From Ezekiel 36:38 pray saying “Lord, settle me in the land which you have promised me and wipe away my tears.”

6.  From John 15:16 pray saying “Lord, make me wise, make me a soul winner, make my fruits remain that the jewels on my crown will shine as the stars in heaven.”
7.     From Isaiah 58:12 pray saying “Lord make me an agent of restoration; A restorer of the paths of righteousness to dwell in; a bridge builder to link lost and perishing souls to you.”
8.    From Isaiah 62:1-7 pray “Lord make me a watchman”.                                                  
9.         Pray Ephesians 1:17-23 over your life.

A deity manifests more power and control in a place if the altars there are raised to that deity. Godly altars would attract God’s power and control to a place. Satanic altars would attract Satan’s power and control to a place. The greater the sacrifice on the altar, the more power is drawn from the realm of darkness. A human sacrifice will draw more power than an animal sacrifice. Remember the power from the satanic altar in 2 Kings 3:1-27. Spiritual gates are places of power and control. The story of Jacob’s encounter with God in Genesis 28 illustrates how spiritual gates are established. Read Gen. 28: 12-17

The godly altars opened a gate of entry and control for God in that place. The angels of God were freely ascending and descending in that place. One of the satanic devices is to encourage people to raise altars to him through idolatry, occultism, religious perversion and traditions. These satanic altars provide for Satan a gate of entry, control and manifestations of his power in the lives of people and in the environment.

This is why people, even believers, have dreams of masquerades, bulls, snakes etc. pursuing them. Others have sex, swim, eat or see dead people in their dreams. These experiences are indicative of satanic influence over territories, and/or demonic infiltration into people’s lives. This is made possible by the existence of satanic gates or gates of hell, providing points of entry.
Satanic gates provide a hindrance to a person’s growth and progress in different areas of life, just as how physical gates impede progress. Spiritual gates may prevent a person from getting married, having babies, having financial breakthrough, getting promoted, earning a degree, experiencing growth in the ministry.
For some people and some families we see patterns for the disasters and afflictions that they have suffered. They occur at a particular month, season, place or age. This may indicate the operation of satanic gates set up against them.

The Bible tells us that the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. It also tells us that we should not be ignorant lest Satan take advantage of us. ( 2 Cor. 2:11). We must possess the gates of our enemies. (Gen. 22:17 and Gen 24:60) However, for many of us the enemies have possessed our gates.
Prayer exercise 1.
Father, thank you for the revelation on spiritual gates. I receive an anointing to deal with all gates prevailing against me. I receive the Spirit of justice to sit in judgment against this satanic device. I receive strength to flush the enemy out of my gates in the Name of Jesus. I release thunder, earthquake, storm, tempest and devouring fire to totally destroy every satanic gate restricting my progress and my blessings in the name of Jesus.  (Based on Isa. 28:5-6; 29:6)

From Expose and Destroy doing targeted prayer warfare by Onyechi Daniel.
Gates are strengthened by the presence of gate men.  Every entry point on the road into a city is a gate. That is why you will sometimes see witches and wizards singing and walking barefoot all over the street in the early hours of the morning. They are making contact with the various gates on the roads up to the borders of the city. They take over the gates and control the people in the city.
Satanists use human sacrifice to open the gate of the ground so that it can swallow up its inhabitants and resources.
When you drive around your city gates, especially the toll-gate areas and any other place the Spirit of God shows you, you can stop there for a while, anoint the place and say, “Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and let the King of glory come in”. By that you destroy satanic altars there and establish God’s own altar, from then on things are bound to change for the better in that locality.
No demon operates in a land without coming though a gate. Without gates or altars, demons cannot come in. Altars sustain and keep them. Each time you see people building a shrine or an altar they are building a doorway for Satan. Anywhere libation is poured, a gate is being opened.

Prayer exercise 2
Satan, the Lord rebuke you. I throw the giant dragnet of the Holy Ghost and I catch all the spiritual “gate men” working against me. I bind you and cast you into the pit of fire in the name of Jesus.
(Based on Hos. 7:12, Mat. 18:18, Amos 7:4)

From Expose and Destroy Read Amos 5:10           Isaiah 62:10

Isaiah 45:2 reveals the nature of the gates we are up against in spiritual warfare - they are made of bronze. Gates are satanic strongholds. We often need prayer and fasting to deal with them. God desires to help us to open the gates that are shut against us. Isaiah 45 1-3.

Prayer exercise 3
Thank you my Father for taking my right hand to subdue nations and to loose the armor of kings. Lord, go ahead and open the double-leaved gates so that they will remain open as our blessings keep flowing in. Father, please make the crooked places before me straight and break in pieces the gates of bronze and the bars of iron. I now ask for the real treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places. Thank you for giving them to me. I will declare that you are my God and King in Jesus name Amen. (Based on Isa. 45:1-3)
From Expose and Destroy
Throughout your life continue to raise altars to God and call the name of Jehovah over your life, the lives of your family, your office, your properties, your interest. Hand your gates over to God.
Prayer exercise 4
Father, thank you for your covenant that evil shall bow before the good, and the wicked shall bow at the gates of the righteous. I demand that every evil spirit or wicked person shall be disarmed at this gate, in Jesus name. Every wicked spirit or person shall be judged at this gate. I therefore shut this gate permanently against the wicked. I command the stealing and affliction in this area to stop in the mighty name of Jesus Amen. (Based on Prov. 14:19, Ps. 147:13)

 From Expose and Destroy
Pray this prayer at your physical gate or entrance and anoint the place with oil as in Genesis 28:12.
There are gates in the air, on land, on the seas and under the seas. There are gates also by the seashore. When you see people pouring libation or making sacrifices by the seashore they are opening doorways for the sea to transfer the demons inside back to them on land. Therefore, when you pour anointing oil and speak God’s word the earth hears and responds. That is why when you anoint a place that has troubled you and command the trouble to stop, the sensitivity in that place is supposed to open up to your prayer.
In breaking gates, anointing oil is vital. Declare a fast and use anointing oil to break yokes. Send the words and anoint the place. You can command the desolation to lift away and destroy the gates of hell in that place.

The Bible speaks about the keys to heaven and the keys of earth. Two of the keys of heaven are called Praise and Worship. We must have plenty of praise. When you worship doors open.  It is the language the earth hears readily. From Isaiah 6 we learn two things:

 1. The earth has a door.
2.  Worship of Him who is seated on the throne can open doors.
Each time the Old Testament saints entered a city they built an altar. That altar was to open a gate, a doorway into the city to control the gates that operated there. It was to establish a covenant. Covenants establish altars for us. In the New Testament whenever people made a covenant with the Lord, they were building an altar for themselves.

Until you begin to open your mouth and release the Word of God from the inspiration and revelation you get from Him, or from reading His words against your situation, the gate controlling that situation cannot open. When you open your mouth to speak you are establishing the covenant of the Lord. In other words you are establishing the altar of God in your life. Amen


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