Prophetic Word for April 21, 2015

2 Kings 6:17 Then Elisha prayed and said, 'O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.' So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Matthew 28:20 And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'

Heb 13:6 So we can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?'

This is what I hear the Lord Jesus saying:


I Am calling you into the reality of this truth. It is time to live in the reality of this truth. It is time to know and experience the reality of this truth. So few of My Sons and Daughters truly receive this and know it. But I Am changing that. You are coming into a higher place, My Friend. You have been moving from one spiritual oasis to another. I will always provide those places of refreshing. However the problem has been that your journey between them has often been devoid of the knowledge and experience that I Am always with you. I Am not speaking of the absence of trials or tests, for these will come. I Am talking about the knowledge that My Presence is closer to you than the air you breath. The whole earth is filled with My glory but few choose to live in it and many don't know of that potential. I have chosen you for higher places. The anointing that rested on Enoch as he literally walked with Me is coming upon you. Disregard what your natural senses tell you, for they often betray you. 

You want to be closer to Me. My Friend, I also desire this. Therefore live in the Spirit. See with your spiritual eyes and hear with your spiritual ears. Close your natural eyes and look upon Me through the inner eyes. Ask Me to open your eyes to see even as Elisha asked of Me. I will do this in increments so you are not overwhelmed. You do not really need a great outpouring of My Spirit although I can do that. What you really need is to move over into the reality of living in My Spirit. Meet Me in the garden of your heart. Step through the Revelation 3:20 door into My realm. Supernaturally living in the Omnipresence of your Almighty God is yours. Will you possess it?

Additional Words of Knowledge for those reading:
Diabetic conditions are being healed. The healing power of the Lord is healing livers that process sugars and healing pancreases that produce insulin.

Arthritic conditions are being healed. Joint pain, swelling, inflammation is leaving as Jesus heals these conditions. Forgive those that have sinned against you or offend you. This is critical in walking into healing with this infirmity.

Neck and shoulder conditions are being healed. Stiffness, stress induced rigidity, tension and trauma from injuries.

Someone with ulcers is being healed. Stress, anxiety and worry is being lifted off you. You will be free from this affliction and pain. You will also receive wisdom to administrate your duties and walk in a greater measure of His grace.

Someone with a liver infection is being healed. This may be caused by a number of issues... but I see a swollen liver being healed. Receive His healing touch now in your body.

Someone with Lupus is being healed.

The Lord is healing a pinched sciatic nerve. Your hips will move back into alignment. Stand up and gently stretch to allow those tightened muscles to be released.

The Lord is healing a hiatus hernia. You will not have any more hot acid coming up into the lower oesophagus (throat). The pain will leave you as His healing power flows into you.

The Lord is healing many with cancer. Ovarian, Breast, Bone, Lung, Stomach cancer and various tumors. Cancer cells are withering up and dying from the roots and being replaced with new healthy tissue. Deliverance, healing and restoration is flowing forth. Receive it and walk in this provision.

Someone is being healed of Fibromyalgia. Stiffness and pain is being removed from you.

Someone with a fungal infection is being healed.

Prostate conditions are being healed.

Someone is being delivered from tormenting generational curses. Negative, oppressive thoughts are being removed. Compulsive unclean habits are being broken off of you. A new level of pure vocabulary will come forth from your mouth. Repent and receive His deliverance today. From this day forward you will have a God given hunger to receive His Truth and you will walk into freedom.

Someone is receiving God's favor for a promotion at your work place this week. His wisdom will equip you for this new position which will bring an increase in finances / benefits.

The Lord is releasing direction, inspiration and opportunity to someone establishing a new business. Stand in agreement with the Lord's favor. Acknowledge Him in each important step and He will bring huge success.


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