No one loves you like I do

This Letter MY children is for you and about you.  You are MY children who I love.  No one loves you like I do.  There is no one who can compare with the love I can lavish on the children who come to ME in love and obedience.  MY love is an ever-flowing river and it leaves a current of good will.  I am the greatest force of love in the world--there is no other source of true love that can be found anywhere but through ME. 
MY love is available at any point--night or day.  I am available to you at any point.  You can come and make contact with ME at any point.  Cry out to ME when you are in trouble--when you have difficulties--I am here for you: to bear the weight on MY Great Shoulders. 
Children, I am coming back soon.  Sooner than most people think.  Those who watch ME not will be greatly saddened.  They will miss the greatest rescue mission of all time.  I will be available to anyone who has needs: to help them to become more aware of MY goodness and love.  Soon the love people want to possess through ME will be found almost nowhere.  
This is the hour of beauty: the hour of getting right with GOD, the hour of repentance and forgiveness.  I can turn you toward ME if you ask from a heart that is truly pursuing ME.  The GROOM is coming and the bride is ready--soon the marriage supper will take place.  Do not believe everyone about your salvation:  Seek MY Face and allow ME to show you that this should be a time of grace and love. 
These are MY Words--I AM that I AM
Coordinating Scripture:
Psalm 36:8 (KJV): They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of THY house; and THOU shalt make them drink of the river of THY pleasures.


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