Only Me
If My people would obey My commands, if My people would annihilate other gods from their lives, and worship only Me, you would find your lives would flow much more smoothly. Instead, you pursue relationships I do not desire for you, dreams I did not plant in your heart, and achievements of worldly status that have no Kingdom value. My children, do you not see how near the end is? Lay up treasure in heaven. NOTE: There is a man reading this, you have planned a large expenditure on something you want, or a business expansion, but the Lord has told you or shown you clearly to give that amount to some ministry and He will bless you in an area you need blessing in. He is saying if you continue in your plan and disobey Him, that what you are spending it on will be destroyed – it is another god in your hear,t and He is saying He Himself will destroy it and you will suffer loss. Luke 12:18-21 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and bu...