
Showing posts from March, 2016

Only Me

If My people would obey My commands, if My people would annihilate other gods from their lives, and worship only Me, you would find your lives would flow much more smoothly. Instead, you pursue relationships I do not desire for you, dreams I did not plant in your heart, and achievements of worldly status that have no Kingdom value. My children, do you not see how  near the end is? Lay up treasure in heaven. NOTE:   There is a man reading this, you have planned a large expenditure on something you want, or a business expansion, but the Lord has told you or shown you clearly to give that amount to some ministry and He will bless you in an area you need blessing in. He is saying if you continue in your plan and disobey Him, that what you are spending it on will be destroyed – it is another god in your hear,t and He is saying He Himself will destroy it and you will suffer loss. Luke 12:18-21 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and bu...


        March 26, 2016 SUDDENLY SPRING If you observe a tree year round, you will notice that its appearance will change depending on the season that it is in. In the winter season, a tree will become barren and lifeless due to the climate change. This is a dry season for the tree, yet this dormancy period is necessary as a time of rest. In the spring season, the spring rain will arrive and buds will appear as the tree will begin to blossom, flourish, and leaves will begin to grow. The fruit bearing trees will begin to grow fruit. In the summer season the tree will become healthy and vibrant. The sun will cause the tree to thrive and flourish. In the fall season, the colors of the leaves will begin to change as the tree goes through a time of transition and preparation for the winter season. Trees do not usually grow continuously throughout the year, but mostly have spurts of active expansion followed by periods of rest. Just as seasons ...

“The Darkness - The Truth - and the Wheel of Prayer Visions- 03-16-16”

On Wednesday, I was taken into a vision up into the heavens, and I saw the planet earth below me. It was shrouded in thick swirling darkness. The darkness was heaving and swirling around the planet. As I watched, I saw small lights hitting the shroud here and there. As the lights hit the darkness it would convulse and heave angrily. The lights kept hitting the darkness and the darkness continued to be shaken and I saw places where it began to break up. I saw little openings where the lights had penetrated the darkness and light flowed up into the heavens from its opening.  As I watched, I saw bigger lights then begin to hit the darkness that surrounded the planet. When the bigger lights hit the thick darkness, it caused even greater upheaval in that area and the darkness pulled back from its impact like it was in pain. Bigger openings were created as many bigger lights began to join the effort. Eventually huge openings were formed and the darkness convulsed and shook. T...

The Earth Is About To Be Mightily Shaken

The earth is about to be mightily shaken Its time for us all to fully awaken- The Glory is just the beginning of the quaking Yet, Chains and bands are already breaking- Stand faithfully in your lot in this bright hour For the Harvest has begun in Dawn’s power- You were each chosen by His Sovereign Hand Together you will fulfill His Eternal Plan- Armies of Heaven stand by you ready to fight The Glorious Harvest is your inheritance right- The thick darkness is already a heaving In droves, its followers are quickly leaving- Salvations are erupting across every land The knowledge of Jesus shall expand and expand- Till the earth is reaped, and the wars are still, The nations, all standing on His Holy Hill- Now is the time for everything to fully realign The earth and men have been given their signs- There shall be no more arguments or foolish delay The Father shall have His Harvest, His way! -       Given to Sus...

Jacob's Troubles

Jeremiah 30:7 King James Version (KJV) Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it. "Speak now son of man, reveal the tragedy of nations. Speak of man’s self-inflicted destruction. Shall Jacob’s troubles not visit this evil generation? Will the truth not hold all accountable for their disobedience? What I have bless shall be cursed. What I have given I shall take away. Where there was mercy there will be judgement. Where there has been peace there shall be war. Those who have plenty shall have none. What I have created I shall destroy. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. My cup of wrath overflows and all those who are disobedient shall taste its bitter fruit. Shall justice not step forward this day? They shall try to hide from me but I see all. Hide thy eyes for I shall strengthen thine enemies and you shall bear witness to the power of the Lord." ...


   March 19, 2016 EMPOWERED One day I noticed several particular signs as I was going about my day. One sign read: "Warning, contents under pressure". As I looked closer it also said "Highly Flammable". Later on in the day I had seen several other signs which read "Shock Hazard" and another read "High Voltage". These signs caught my attention as the Holy Spirit gave me this word. There are so many people who are living under extreme pressure due to challenging situations which they are facing. For some of you the pressure in your lives is overwhelming and the burdens are too much to bear but the Lord showed me that as bad as things appear to be, He is raising up a remnant that are going to go from turmoil to triumph. Then the Holy Spirit instantly quickened something else to me. He showed me a remnant of believers who are so empowered with spiritual strength and vitality that they are not moved by adverse situations that come ...

New Attacks; We Are Believers

New Attacks I do not have a word to post today, but I wanted to share with you all that I have noticed a new wave of attacks on God's people, especially those who speak for Him. Are you being attacked, too? These attacks are very intense, some are attacks on bodies, some on emotions, and I'm sure there are many more I have not heard about yet. Please be aware if you speak for the Lord, or if you are a Worship Leader or work in any way for the Lord that the attacks have increased in frequency and intensity pretty dramatically. It would be wise to pray the three-prong prayer of protection over yourself and cancel any attacks that have been sent against you. Lord, in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus, I pray You would surround me with a wall of fire as shown in Your Word in Zech. 2:5. I ask for a Hedge of Protection like you surrounded Job with, and I cover myself in the precious Blood of My Savior Jesus Christ. I praise You, Lord, for You are mighty to p...


In the morning of 12th March 2016 in a vision (supernatural dream) of The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, I found myself in a huge hall. In this hall were very many people. The LORD then pinpointed to me a lady; a lady that had a wig on her head. The LORD then made me know that this particular wig was originally a hair that belonged to someone else somewhere, and that this hair (wig) had been defiled be demonic forces due to the lifestyle of the original owner of the wig (the human hair). Therefore, when this wig (human hair) was transferred from the head of the defiled body, the demonic forces associated with it were also transferred, as they claimed it (the wig/the human hair transferred to be theirs). The Spirit of The LORD then came upon me very heavily while in this vision of The LORD, and I proclaimed very loudly as follows in this vision of The LORD while focusing on this particular lady: ‘“Remove That Wig from Your Head, Because You Hav...

When Trying Times Arrive and Destruction

When Trying Times Arrive When trying times arrive, what will you do, My children? Will you trust Me to get you through when you do not have enough food to eat? If you have no shelter from the chaos? When it seems the entire world has gone mad? When loved ones are taken from his world, will I still be your beloved? Be careful there are no conditions on your faith in Me, lest the devil steal it from you, and you lose your crown. Proverbs 27:12 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished. Job 1:21  And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Ephesians 5:6  Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. James 1:12  Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown...

Going To Pursue Overtake & Recover All

        March 12, 2016 Going To Pursue Overtake & Recover All King David was called and chosen as a young shepherd boy. He fought the lion and the bear and slayed Goliath when no one else was able to do so. He had been through many battles but he always came out victorious. He was a leader as well as a poet and musician. He was a warrior but also a man after Gods own heart. There was a time when David was running from Saul, and the Lord sent him to the cave of Adullam. There were four hundred men in this cave who were in distress, in debt and discontented. David taught them how to be invincible warriors, raised them up and trained them as a mighty army. In 1 Samuel chapter 30 when David and his men returned home from war, they reached Ziklag, and found it destroyed by fire and their wives, sons and daughters were taken captive by the Amalekites. David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. They reach...

The Day Approaches

America continues to walk contrary to My Holy Word. She has no regard for Me or My power, and cares not how her filth affects other nations. The day of reckoning approaches when I shall destroy the wickedness of that filthy nation. I have a people in America who still honor Me in their ways, who still preach My true gospel, who still seek My face. These will I save. These shall I protect and provide for. Fear not, My children – for those of you who are truly Mine have naught to fear. For those who remain in sin, the day approaches. Leviticus 26:15-21 15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: 16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. 17 And I will set my face against you...


   March 5, 2016 YOUNG EAGLES ARISING Yesterday the Holy Spirit brought me back to a dream that I had a few years ago. As I read it in my journal, I realized that this is what He has been showing me for the past few weeks. The Lord is raising up prophetic voices as well as "seer" prophets and visionaries. I have been hearing many other prophetic ministers seeing and sharing the same prophetic word and revelation for 2016. A few years ago I was in a powerful service and I had an incredible encounter with the Holy Spirit. I remember how I was still engulfed in the glory of God when I got home. That night I had two separate dreams which were two hours apart. These prophetic dreams are more relevant for today than they were when I received them. These were the dreams: In the first dream I was in a huge ancient place. There were surrounding mountains that appeared to be made of ivory. A very gracious lady was giving me a tour of this magnificent place b...