The Earth Is About To Be Mightily Shaken

The earth is about to be mightily shaken
Its time for us all to fully awaken-
The Glory is just the beginning of the quaking
Yet, Chains and bands are already breaking-
Stand faithfully in your lot in this bright hour
For the Harvest has begun in Dawn’s power-
You were each chosen by His Sovereign Hand
Together you will fulfill His Eternal Plan-
Armies of Heaven stand by you ready to fight
The Glorious Harvest is your inheritance right-
The thick darkness is already a heaving
In droves, its followers are quickly leaving-
Salvations are erupting across every land
The knowledge of Jesus shall expand and expand-
Till the earth is reaped, and the wars are still,
The nations, all standing on His Holy Hill-
Now is the time for everything to fully realign
The earth and men have been given their signs-
There shall be no more arguments or foolish delay
The Father shall have His Harvest, His way!
- Given to Susan O’Marra
- 03-18-16
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