
My timing is always perfect. My children are in a hurry for all they ask Me for, but My timing is part of My masterpiece – My Word, My Creation, everything you see around you is on My timing.

If the seasons of earth get off My timing, all of creation suffers. I have set My timing inside every living thing for it to function as one world. Your life, too, has My timing inside it. When you rush ahead of Me and try to make things happen yourselves, you work against My timing and this makes your endeavors unsuccessful.

My children, wait for My timing. Just believe Me, believe I have your situations in hand and allow Me to work them out to your highest benefit in My timing. You will be glad you did. My solutions shall make you very glad.

Ecclesiastes 3:1  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

James 1:4  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.


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