July 2, 2014
Lord says I am raising up men and woman who have been victorious in
battle, know how to defeat the adversary and have learned how to
overcome opposition. They understand spiritual warfare and they always
stand guard to protect those who are lagging behind. I am calling those
who will train, equip and teach the young ones. To instruct them how to
walk, how to war, how to resist temptation, how to recognize the tactics
of the enemy and how to be sensitive to My voice. I am calling those of
you who know Me, know My ways and have studied to show yourself
approved to encourage and support those that are still on milk. I am
looking for those who will teach others to understand the Spirit realm.
They are those who know their authority and are always arrayed in the
full armor. I am looking for those who have been delivered from the
strongholds of the enemy to be examples and to strengthen the younger
ones that also need deliverance. They will set the captives free, save,
heal and bring the lost into the kingdom.
am raising up the Josephs. Those on whom I will place My coat of many
colors. They know what it is like to be thrown in the pit and rejected
by family as well as friends. They are able to endure through difficult
times and are tenacious in resisting temptation. They will be
interpreters of dreams and visions. They understand the torment of being
thrown into prison. They are those who could withstand pressure and
will teach others to do the same. Some will be raised up to speak into
the lives of the elite and minister to those in authority. I am calling
forth the Moses to lead My people into righteousness. I will place My
staff in their hands and use them to lead others into pursuing the plan
and calling on their lives. They are those who will never retreat but
will continue on their journey and not become discouraged by whatever
obstacle is before them. They will recognize My hand on their life and
not be intimidated when faced with a Red Sea. I am raising up Samuels
from a young age. I will fine tune their hearing to hear My voice. They
shall proclaim My prophetic word to the nations. They will be seers,
those who I could trust with My word in their mouth so that none of
their words will fall to the ground. They will speak with authority and
teach others to do the same.
will raise up many women and place My anointing on them. The Deborah's
will proclaim My voice to the people. They will judge what is right from
wrong and bring righteousness to the nations. I will raise up the
Naomi's to train up the young Ruth's. The godly women who will comfort
and teach the younger woman how to live a lifestyle of integrity,
sincerity and respect. They will teach them how to walk in humility,
wisdom and honor in their relationships. I am raising up the Esther's
who will be women of royalty who are radiant with My glory. I am raising
up the Mary's who are pregnant with something so precious that the
world cannot offer. They will refuse to be idolized and their gift will
be released to many. They will be carriers of My presence. I am raising
up many women who are unique and set apart from the rest and will use
them mightily in this season. They are not seeking riches or popularity
and have no agendas apart from Me.
am calling forth the Elijah's. They are the prophets who will train and
raise up Elisha's with a double portion of their Spirit. They will
train other prophets and teach the younger ones how to be used in
spiritual gifts with respect and reverence of the anointing on their
lives. I am raising up the sons of Issachar that know the times and
seasons. I am raising up Ezekiels. Those who will have unusual heavenly
encounters that are unknown to mere men. They will train others in the
way of supernatural exploits. I am raising up the Daniels who know what
it is like to be in the lions den. They know how to refrain from the
ways of the world. Some will be used to give the interpretation of the
dreams and visions of those in authority.
calling forth the Paul's that have had their lives transformed from the
powers of darkness into My glorious light. They will train the young
Timothy's to live a godly lifestyle and to walk in power and authority.
They will be used in evangelism to usher many into the Kingdom. They
will be used mightily in miracles, signs and wonders and train others to
do the same. They will not seek fame or fortune but will be an example
of enduring hardness as a good soldier. They know what it is like to be
imprisoned wrongfully but walk in love regardless of how they are
treated. They are not ashamed of My word and will be an encouragement to
others. Those who I call, I will equip and give the wisdom and
knowledge for all that is required for their lives and ministries in
this time and season; says the Lord.
2 Chronicles 16:9
the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew
himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.
John14:12 - 13
assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he
will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My
father. And whatever you ask in My name that I will do, that the father
may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name I will do
Romans 8:14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Romans 8:14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Elaine Tavolacci
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