October 8, 2016
want to share a word that I received one year ago that is more
pertinent for today. This morning I was thinking about all the great men
and women that the Lord has used in extraordinary ministries. I was
wondering why most of those who have been called to be a voice for the
Lord, or who have ministries of miracles, signs and wonders have been
through so much adversity throughout their lives, but then I heard the
Holy Spirit say, they are "The Lazarus generation". These are men and
women on the front lines whom I have loosed from a death sentence and
have chosen as My end time warriors. Then I seen Jesus removing their
grave clothes. After sharing this word I
have faced the most difficult trials of my life, but this word is
coming to pass as we are now beginning to experience His awesome power
and authority in our lives and ministries.
Lord says; "Lazarus come forth" as I am calling out to the Lazarus
generation. I am calling those who have tasted of death, and I am
loosing them from their grave clothes as I speak to the death sentence
and say "loose them and let them go". I will remove and discard their
filthy garments and array them in garments of white. I am giving them a
second chance in life and they will lead multitudes into victory. They
are the men and women who knows what it is like to be at deaths door,
therefore they are fearless. They are strong and very courageous and
they are tenacious in warfare because they know their enemy. They are
steadfast and unshakable in their faith, and will not become fatigued or
wearied by the pressures of life, and the battles that they endure.
They will not be moved by a bad report and they will not be affected by
what they hear because they live by a higher standard. They will not be
caught off guard because they are clothed in My full armor at all times.
have chosen those who have no fear of death because they know their
destination, therefore they go forth in boldness and determination. I
have chosen those who are focused and understand their assignment. Those
who were delivered and those who were outcasts will be leaders in this
end time army. Many have been afflicted with terminal diseases and many
have been healed of debilitating sicknesses. This sickness is not unto
death but that the glory of the son of God may be glorified. I am
positioning them as forerunners with keen discernment to rescue those
who have come from the darkest places. Those who have been delivered
from dysfunctional lives and have been rejected will also be used to
release those who are bound and hopeless. They know what it is like to
be the underdog and will have a heart to minister to the same.
men and women will not submit to religious traditions but will
understand what it is to be in a Covenant relationship with Me because
they have My seal of approval. They have learned to decipher My
encrypted word and the mysteries that I have placed in their hearts.
They will have a revelation of understanding that surpasses their
natural thinking. I will equip those with all that they need to complete
their mission and establish My kingdom upon the earth. I have put My
words in their mouths, and attuned their ears to My voice so they will
always recognize their next assignment. I will use those who were left
to die as I pour My glory into them to deliver others from the very
thing that they have been set free from. Did I not say that if you would
believe you would see the glory of God? For I am the resurrection and
the life and I will fulfill My plans for your life says the Lord.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be
strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the
Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Daniel 11:32b
The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
John 11:43-44
Now when He had said these
things, He cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!" And he who
had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face
was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, "Loose him, and let him
Romans 8:19
The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.
Elaine Tavolacci
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