
Showing posts from November, 2016


 November 26, 2016 THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL The Holy Spirit showed me a long dark tunnel. In the same way that you travel through a tunnel to go from one place to another, there are many believers in a time of transition. In the natural most people don't like to drive through tunnels, especially if they don't know the length of the tunnel. A tunnel could be dark and cold and seem endless. When you are in a tunnel you have a drastically narrowed field of vision and you are surrounded by walls.  Many of you are in a time of transformation that you are unfamiliar with. It seems as if you have been moving forward but not experiencing victory in this cold dismal place. You have been there for so long that you have developed "tunnel vision" as your vision has become extremely narrow.  The Lord is saying to continue to go forward and don't grow weary in well doing. His plan will begin to unfold as you diligently seek Hi...

“The Doubling Mandate in 2016/2017 is Accelerating Through the Door of Hanukkah”

The Lord has previously spoken to me of the year 2016/2017 is a Double-Double Year. For the past week the Lord has been speaking to me of the significance of Christmas and the 1st day of Hanukkah being on the same day this year of 2016.  As I waited on the Lord to reveal more, in the vision, I saw a door opening in the realm of the Spirit. The door had steps within it, and I saw that there were 8 steps going upwards within the door to another place. The door opens in the realm of the Spirit on Christmas day and the 8 steps are the 8 days of Hanukkah this year.  There is a fresh invitation being given to the Lords people to enter into new things on Christmas/Hanukkah, and to step upwards over the 8 days into a whole new realm/reality within Him. There is a great expansion of the revelation of Him that is available in this Season, that is going to release great light into the earth through those who will ascend and meet with Him.  There is also a deep red...

Strategically Designed for Your Destiny

     November 19, 2016 Strategically Designed for Your Destiny The Lord says, I have designed you not only to survive, but to thrive in the environment in which you have been created. You have been strategically placed where you are, and have been uniquely designed for My specific plan for your life. You have been born for this time and season in which you are living. It is no accident that you were born on a particular year, created with a distinct height, weight and gender. Even your personality has been en-grafted into My master plan for your life. Just as I have equipped and called the prophets of old to do great works, I am also equipping you for great exploits in the days ahead. You have been chosen to have visitations with the King of Kings. You have been created to have encounters in the kingdom of heaven. Take your focus off your natural situations, and focus on what I am bringing you into. Do not say that these ti...


November 10th, 2016 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare Spoken by Jackie Clare began... May the Lord's joy be with us all, Heartdwellers. What a tremendous victory! I heard from one source that the day he is sworn in he will be 70 years 7 months and 7 days old! Amazing! Jesus began... "My arm has never been short. I will accomplish what I have set out to do, but it will require the prayers of My People. Dear ones, the fight is only just beginning. The tentacles reach deep beneath American soil and it will be a long, hard battle to restore America and set her upright on her feet." "The brainwashing of the young has had a significant affect in causing division and will continue until the truth is exposed about those who have won their hearts. Personality is everything. Women's rights, immigration policies, all figure strongly in the aftermath." "My dear ones, though this man seems a blustering fool on the surface, he did not come about his ...

Rejoice Each Day and Chaos will Enter Everything

Rejoice Each Day Though no path looks clear to you now, I will make the way known to you. I will go before you and make crooked paths straight. My children often walk crooked paths when they fall into sin, but I am able to lead you on to paths of righteousness for My Name’s sake.    You live in a glorious time on the earth, My children, and you will witness many things men of old desired to see. Rejoice that you are seeing history unfold, as it was prophesied long ago. Rejoice that your redemption from earth is drawing near.    Rejoice in Me, and enjoy each day I give to you. Isaiah 45:2 2 I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: Isaiah 59:8 8 The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. Philippians 4:4-7 4 Rejoice in the ...

Vision of People Running

S aturday evening I had a brief open vision.     I wasn't thinking about anything or praying, although I had been praying the past 24 hours very fervently for the protection of President-Elect Trump and his family, as I have had a bad feeling that he was not going to live until Inauguration Day, and that it would be an inside job.     So I was relaxing for a few minutes Saturday evening petting one of my dogs, and just not thinking about anything when a vision opened up.    I saw an outline of the United States, and  I saw the people everywhere looking very lost and afraid, like they were in a panic and they did not know what to do. I could see they did not know which way to run (not sure why they wanted to run). They would start to go one way and then stop and turn another way, like they were looking for a safe place to hide or something. And a wave of grief hit my spirit. It was very sad.     I could not ...


  November 12, 2016 WANTED: MIGHTY MEN & WOMEN OF VALOR       In the natural it may appear as if the churches are dwindling down in membership, Christian friends are falling away, great men and women of God are passing away, and believers are declining in number. But the truth is, that God has a remnant that He has chosen for His end time army to usher in the greatest harvest in history. The fields are white unto harvest and it is about time that we take our place in what we have been called to do. Many of you feel inadequate, unqualified, or uneducated to be used by God. There was a man in the bible named Gideon who was fearful and weak in his own sight, but mighty in the eyes of God. The name Gideon means "Mighty warrior". Gideon was called to deliver Israel from the Midianites, but one day Gideon was hiding as they were attacking Israel. God had sent an angel to him saying, "The Lord is with you, mighty man of valor...

I am the Bread of Life that gives you Life

Patrick was speaking in his message about the Lord furnishing us within and without with the Life of the Spirit. We are being equipped with the Lord, so we can release Him into the earth. He read from the context of John 6:48, 56, 57 in his message, and then the Spirit came very strongly in our midst and began to speak prophetically: “Children I am furnishing within and without. I am clothing you within and without. I am forming Myself within you and without. For you shall not lack for anything, for I do not lack from My Father, and you shall not lack from Me. For My Spirit is life and it is life everlasting. My life is everlasting. It is permanent. It is eternal, and I am going to satisfy every desire in your spirit, every desire in your heart, every desire even in your body. Would I not answer that desire? Would I not give you the desires in your heart? Would I not give you the longings?”  “Just as the Father satisfied My desires and My longings, so I long to sa...


November 5, 2016 ARMED AND DANGEROUS In Psalms 18 David began by giving thanks, praise adoration, and telling the Lord that he loves Him. He said that death surrounded him and he was afraid. He went on to say that he called upon the Lord, and He heard him. Then the earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook as God became angry at the enemy for attacking David. The scripture then describes how the Lord parted the heavens and came down; He shot His arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning he routed them. He reached down from on high and took hold of him. David said that the Lord has recompensed him according to his righteousness and clean hands. Then David began declaring the authority that the Lord has given him. He said that he could run against a troop, and by God he could leap over a wall.  The Holy Spirit has been showing me for the past few weeks that many of you feel defeated a...