I am the Bread of Life that gives you Life

Patrick was speaking in his message about the Lord furnishing us within and without with the Life of the Spirit. We are being equipped with the Lord, so we can release Him into the earth.
He read from the context of John 6:48, 56, 57 in his message, and then the Spirit came very strongly in our midst and began to speak prophetically:
“Children I am furnishing within and without. I am clothing you within and without. I am forming Myself within you and without. For you shall not lack for anything, for I do not lack from My Father, and you shall not lack from Me. For My Spirit is life and it is life everlasting. My life is everlasting. It is permanent. It is eternal, and I am going to satisfy every desire in your spirit, every desire in your heart, every desire even in your body. Would I not answer that desire? Would I not give you the desires in your heart? Would I not give you the longings?”
“Just as the Father satisfied My desires and My longings, so I long to satisfy your desires and your longings. I desire to give you the things that you need to live your life. I desire to furnish you within and without. I desire to equip you within and without. I desire to mold you within and without. For none of My children lack. None of My children are empty. None of My children are barren. For as I am fruitful from My Father, you will be fruitful for Me, because I am the Fruit. I am the Root. I am the Shoot. All life proceeds from Me!”
“You are not to feel alone anymore. You are not to feel as an outcast in this hour. For I am not an outcast to My Father, and neither are you an outcast to Me. You belong to Me! Because you belong to Me, you have all that belongs to Me. I have a vast supply that does not run dry. I hear the sound of My Children that cry. Do you think that I would hear and then deny? Do you think that I would not answer those that cry, “why?” No!”
“I have an answer for you, and it’s found in Me. I want you to eat of Me. I want you to feast yourself upon Me. I want you to look into Me. I want you to cleave to Me. I want you to join with Me, for I have an eternal supply, and I will satisfy you within and without, for the pleasures of My Presence are forever. I have delights and I have pleasures for you. Just as I delighted myself in the pleasures of My Father, you are going to delight in the pleasures of Me.”
“For as I bear the image of My Father internally and externally, so shall you bear the image of us. For not only do you bear My name, but you bear My Father’s name. You bear the Spirit, and you bear the name of our eternal abode and that is within you as well. For would we write our name upon you, and then leave you? Would we write our name upon you, and then abandon you? Would we write our name upon you, and then say, “Well I don’t think we can really afford to help you?” No!”
“All that I am is yours! All that I am, and all that I possess, and all that I ever shall be, has already been given to you through My Word and by My Spirit. But many do not understand and they do not hear it. But Children, look and draw near it, and no longer fear it! Its time to gear it. It’s time to gird yourself with Me! It’s time to gird up the loins of your minds and begin to see and understand that it’s Me!”
“I am the Bread of Life, and those that eat of Me shall never hunger. I am the Water of Life, and those that drink of Me will never thirst. I am the embodiment of Life, and those that bear My image will never be naked. For as you cleave to Me, would I not cleave to you? And would I not walk with you? And would you not hear the sound of Me walking with you in the day and in the night? Would you not smell My fragrance? Would you not feel My embrace? Would you not come and caress My face? Would you not know our 3-fold embrace?”
“It’s time to know. It’s time to go. Because the world is waiting to know. They are waiting to know Life’s flow.”
John 6:48 I am the Bread of Life [that gives life—the Living Bread]. 49 Your forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and [yet] they died. 50 [But] this is the Bread that comes down from heaven, so that [any]one may eat of it and never die. 51 I [Myself] am this Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever; and also the Bread that I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh (body). 52 Then the Jews angrily contended with one another, saying, How is He able to give us His flesh to eat? 53 And Jesus said to them, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, you cannot have any life in you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood [unless you appropriate His life and the saving merit of His blood]. 54 He who feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood has (possesses now) eternal life, and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day. 55 For My flesh is true and genuine food, and My blood is true and genuine drink. 56 He who feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood dwells continually in Me, and I [in like manner dwell continually] in him. 57 Just as the living Father sent Me and I live by (through, because of) the Father, even so whoever continues to feed on Me [whoever takes Me for his food and is nourished by Me] shall [in his turn] live through and because of Me. 58 This is the Bread that came down from heaven. It is not like the manna which our forefathers ate, and yet died; he who takes this Bread for his food shall live forever.
- Susan O’Marra
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