2017: A Year of Reparations

“This is the year of reparations!  This is the year of My vengeance on the armies of satan who have attacked My beloveds unmercifully!

This is the year I will show Myself strong on behalf of those I have made righteous by My blood!  I AM not a God afar off, but I AM very near and I will arise in My beloveds and all will know that I have done this for there is nothing I haven’t given to you.  All you are is My creation!
Why should man take glory for what I alone can do?  Is there anything I haven’t been able to do?
I have held My hand in many cases because of timing.  I have held you back so you wouldn’t destroy yourselves at times.  Man’s ways are not patience especially in this hour of instant everything.  But I AM patient.  I AM directing your heart into the love of God and the patience of Christ.  For this is the ultimate gift to mankind!
The world is impatient and are deluded into thinking their type of unity will bring peace now, but it is only under My banner, My wings, My protection and My blood that peace comes!
I AM the great hope of mankind!  And My love never fails.  Men and women are just human.  Each has his or her own load to bear.  My yoke is easy and My burden is light for you because I bore all on the cross.  I paid the price so you could be free.
No matter what you go through I AM there with you whether you feel me or not.  I promised never to leave or forsake you, and I AM not a man that I should lie, nor a son of man that I should change My mind.  My promises are true.
My Kingdom wind comes now!  Watch for many nations are being visited in this hour, for I AM loosing the winds of heaven.
England you will be overcome, even as the storm approaches I AM winnowing.  I will bring down the forces of the enemy and My beloveds will rejoice in the midst of struggle as My presence will overcome them and they will shine, shine, shine with My glory!
Nations who have taken the gospel faithfully to other nations are about to enter into glory.  My presence will overcome you and set you on fire!  The Spirit of Burning comes on the wings of the cold winter winds.
Grief will overtake much of the church as the birth pangs grow greater, and the spiritual battle increases tempo.  For they will see their own foolish hearts in living for themselves and ignoring dependency on me and My prophets!
I never told you to get a good idea and implement your own ideas!  I called you to obey My will and to implement My orders for I AM the commander in chief!
America you have a new commander in chief.  Now you must seek My face and pray, because challenges will come one upon another due to opposition.  Do not be faithless and unbelieving!  Do not listen to drivel that proclaims My inability to change anything!
I said My Kingdom would never end!
I said My Kingdom will be established in the earth and the gates of hell will not prevail against My church!
I said My Glory would cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.
Many of you read the word but have no balance.  You need wisdom from above on how to apply that word.  All the fear mongering & intimidation has stolen much faith.  You do not understand how two Kingdoms can arise at once!
You don’t understand the real battle nor My character in many cases.  But I AM God and there is no other and I will arise!  I will establish My rule through you if you will cast off all unbelief and stop reading and quoting sorcerers and witches’ words that counter My true Kingdom!
[Understand that if someone mixes witchcraft like freemasonry or Buddhism, or Yoga with Christianity, they are walking in witchcraft! ]
For many have come with psychic powers and spirits of slumber through mixture with Buddhist practices and eastern ways to sway you away from the sharpness of My truth!
You must love the truth!  I AM truth!  You must be willing to lay down your lives and pick up My life.  I AM the way, the truth and the life!  My Kingdom will never end!”

~ Priscilla


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