Are You Being Tempted ?
I was writing my tithe & offering checks, and I noticed I was going to be very tight on money for the next two weeks, because of increases in recent expenses, like electricity to heat my house. The owner never fixed the gas log fireplace, so its use electricity or freeze. I had already dropped the thermostat lower than anything I had ever used, hoping to lower the upcoming bill. I have tithed ever since getting saved, and I believe even preachers should tithe and offer. JPH also tithes. I want to be obedient to the Word of God in everything. As I began to make out the check, I heard Satan whisper: Wow, it sure would be nice to be able to keep that, and not be so tight on money. To which I replied: Nope, not doing it! If I keep that, all the rest of my money will be CURSED. No thanks – Not today, Satan! Not today!! As I began to pray for strength in this and for additional finances to get through these days, the Lord began speaking to me . My Daughte...