These Are Those Days I’ve Spoken About

“I tell you that this year has been the beginning of the end.  For My book is being opened that will declare the end of all things.
For your country is racing towards judgment.  Nothing can stop that now.  For all of the events that I have outlined in My book of Revelation are beginning to unfold.
For you have seen catastrophes with the weather.  You have seen heavy drought in the states of Texas and the mid west. For these have been the beginning of woes.  For your economy will stand upon the brink of collapse; and there will be rioting upon the very steps of the White House.
Divisions between Republicans and Democrats will become more and more fierce.  Many who have lost their homes will seek shelters wherever they can.  A long cold Winter is forecast.
Your nation will become more and more hated by those in the Mideast.  I tell you that I have hung on the cross for your sins but many mock at me and think that I was just a fairy tale. Many still do not think that judgment will come upon your shores.
I have said again and again that China and Russia will join forces.  For they have been planning in secret.  Wait and you will see what unfolds in the new year.  For they have talked and they have plotted to take over your government.
And yet in the midst of all these things, I will reach out to the needy.  I will reach out to the homeless.  But woe to those who think that they are great, for I will cause your purse strings to be cut open.
Do not think that I will not take care of my own.  For I will supernaturally open heaven for my saints.
Watch out for the nay-sayers in this hour.  For they say, ‘Where is he who was promised to come?’  They think that the world goes on as it always has.
When the great break in the earth occurs.  When that rift opens up, it will surely split your nation in half.  Many will lose their lives because of this, but many also will be snatched from the very fires of hell because they will believe in me through this.
These are those days I’ve spoken about.  I want you to be ready for them.”


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