Visitation from the Angel named Divine Exchange

As we were sitting on the beach on Singer Island today, I had a visit from the angel named Divine Exchange. He has visited me before. His body was transparent this time and only his heart was beating visibly. I asked him why he was here and he said:
“I am here to help you all steward a great exchange. You must understand that the Father desires that everything is changed and restored, but it will fully come when you realize that there must be a divine exchange in every relationship. You must give that which was and is, so that that which is to come can be. This is not to remain a mystery. You have the authority to redeem everything given to you in the earth. But there is still a much greater birth. A divine birth. There is to be a divine exchange, and as it unfolds, much that you currently know and understand will be rearranged, so that the transformation you all desire can be fully manifested in this realm.”
“Are you willing to exchange that which is your current reality right now, and that which you have learned so far, so that the greater reality of Christ as He fully is, can come into you and flow?” I said, “Yes, of course! Let everything there is come into His divine order so that a full exchange can unfold.” The angel then said, “This is what the Father is looking for. It's time for transformation and also time for the greater heavenly and earthly exchanges to begin. It is those who are willing to cleave to Him, more than to the things in this realm, these are they who shall bring forth the fruits of His Kingdom, to serve that which awaits your generation now, so it can be given unto men. Let us begin.”
Then the angel left…
Isaiah 61
Susan O’Marra
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