
Showing posts from October, 2017


Paul was one of the most anointed apostles in the New Testament. After his conversion he spoke of salvation in Jesus Christ not only in persuasive words but in demonstration of the Spirit and power. He endured many trials but throughout his ministry people were healed just by stepping into his shadow and the dead were even raised. K erchiefs and aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and diseases and evil spirits left them.  In Acts chapter 28 when Paul and his team went to Malta, the natives accepted them and showed them unusual kindness. It was cold and raining as Paul gathered up some sticks to help build a fire. A viper came out of the fire and fastened itself to Paul's hand but Paul shook the snake back into the fire and was not harmed. The natives first thought that he was a murderer but then when they saw that he didn't swell up and die, they thought he was a god. As some of you are beginning to build a fire, there are hidden ...

Chaos and Destruction

  As the coming battle expands, chaos shall flow out from it into all areas of the earth. This chaos will affect everyone and everything it touches – it will affect weather, it will affect earthquakes, it will affect animal and plant life in the earth. It will affect people.    This chaos will cause all to go in disarray. The natural order I created will be thrown into chaos and chaos will prevail. Where there is chaos, destruction shall reign.    Prepare now. Prepare for the end of the age for I have accelerated time that I may bring My people home more quickly. I desire to remove you from the earth and the horrors coming to it.    Prepare in My Word. Submit to Me. Resist all the enemy tries to present to you, for your time in the earth is short now. Psalm 9:17     17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Isaiah 5:20     20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put da...


Many of you have been experiencing intense spiritual warfare the past few weeks and some have even said "It is like an ambush against me". There has been an assignment from the kingdom of darkness to steal, kill and destroy your destiny but the Lord says: "Never give up and never quit". You have been created in His image and He has given you His authority. The things that you are battling now will soon become your history and you will bring forth a mighty testimony. Jesus has given you all things that pertain to life and godliness and the plans and purposes that He has for you will soon come into alignment. The Lord understands your distress but do not fall prey to the deception of the enemy. Resist discouragement and keep your eyes focused on things above even though situations may seem overwhelming. The weapons that He has given you are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Just as the Lord was with Shadrach, Meshach, and A...


The Holy Spirit wants to take us to a place where we could see things beyond the natural realm. It is a place where will have discernment from heaven's perspective. It is a realm where we will be able to perceive what God is doing on this earth. It is a place where we are able to tune in to the frequencies of heaven, and discern the voice of God. Last year I did a study on eagles. Just as an eagle is able to soar higher than any other creature, the Holy Spirit wants to raise us up to new levels and show us things that we could not see with our natural eyes, or hear with our natural ears. It is said that an eagle has extraordinary panoramic vision and it could spot its prey as well as it's adversary for two miles. The Holy Spirit wants to open our eyes to see in the Spirit realm with extraordinary magnification. The Lord Jesus is raising up watchman on the wall and seers who will not limit God, but will have their eyes enlightened from he...

America will be No MoreAmerica will be No More

    My children, a coalition of the enemies of America is forming behind the scenes. World leaders are forming a plan to take America down, once and for all. They have determined this to be in the best interest of all the other nations and they are making a very (carefully) calculated plan.    The plan of this coalition is to destroy all the ability of America to attack or invade any other nation, and to remove its leadership completely.    America will be no more, and the land she now sits on will become part of another.    I would have protected America against her enemies, but she has made herself an enemy to Me, and to My holy Word. She considers me her enemy so I will not. I will, however, show great mercy to My people.    Prepare for the end of your nation, America, for your enemies are coming for you and they shall succeed.   NOTE: I kept seeing Putin’s face as the Lord was speaking the first part. I f...


                  One morning as I was driving in my car playing worship music, I was suddenly caught up in a cloud of glory. I thought to myself, this is the "awe of God". The presence of the Holy Spirit was so intense that I pulled my car over to the side of the road to record this incredible word that I received from the Lord. The Lord says, I am about to visit My people in ways that will astound them. I am about to release My awe into your lives and manifest Myself among you in ways that you have not yet known. The level of My glory will amaze many believers and touch unbelievers. I will bring those of you who know Me to a greater level, and multitudes who don't know Me will experience My awe. Shake off all spiritual lethargy and prepare your hearts for this spiritual awakening. Throw off anything that would restrain you so that will not be hindered from receiving all that is available to you. Don...

What Will You Do?

   Everything is about to change. My people are not ready. Still they run to and fro in the earth, seeking worldly pleasure, attending to worldly matters and ignore Me and My Holy Word except on Sundays. The world is their focus all the other time.    What will you do, My people, when these judgments I have ordained fall and you no longer have churches to sit in or pews to sit upon? Who will you turn to when your investment portfolios crumble and your banks close and there are no jobs? How will you feed your families when your wallets are empty if you do not know Me? What will you do?    I liken you to the foolish virgins because there is no oil in your lamp and you make no time to buy oil of Me while you still can. Do you think you will be able to buy it later? Nay, the door will be shut and you will be left without. The wedding feast will have begun and you will not be invited.    I will say Depart from Me, for I never knew you beca...


                              This morning I was thinking about a woman named Nadya whose story was broadcast on every TV network across the nation almost nine years ago. The media called this woman the "Octomom" because she was pregnant with octuplets (eight babies). A few minutes ago to my surprise a news article came up on my computer showing Nadya with her eight children who are now eight and a half years old and in great health. She did not conceive through a physical relationship with a man but she conceived through artificial insemination. The Holy Spirit is showing me that there is a spiritual impartation coming to believers. In the same way that these babies were not conceived naturally from a physical relationship there are many of you that are about to give birth spiritually to multiple gifts and that is the re...