
Showing posts from March, 2018

These Are The Days Of Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Jonah Encounter

Just before I fell fully asleep, a heavenly voice said to me, “these are the days of Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Jonah.”    The Message:   “I am awakening My Hidden Mysteries in your generation, for this is the Season of Great Shaking, Great Awakening, Great Revelation, Great Mobilization for My Great Harvest just ahead of you all. I am preparing you to move into your rightful places that I have been readying you all for. I have not disclosed all of My Purposes yet, and many are running before they have received all of My Counsels, which will soon be apparent as I begin to unfold My Plans all around you.”   “It is time to understand the areas in which I am bringing change in your times. I will show you portions of this through the parables of My servants lives which you have all read in My Word. For those who have gone before you have laid the foundation for you to now move into their portions, and also comple...


I want to share a word that I received last year. In the book of Exodus chapter one, after Joseph and his whole generation had died, the Israelite's were fruitful, and increased abundantly in Egypt because of his obedience. When the new king had seen this, he was fearful and put task masters over them to oppress them. The task masters made their lives bitter with harsh labor and afflicted them with heavy burdens; but as they did this, something unusual was happening. The more that the Israelite's were oppressed as the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly, the more they multiplied and spread abroad.  The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you have been driven and oppressed by the enemy, as well as used and abused by people. Some of you have gone through situations which have been brutal. As you fear God and not man, these afflictions are going to bring you into expansion, growth and prosperity.  The Lord says; those who have tried to manipulate you and b...

Lull Before the Storm

You are in the lull before the storm. The tempest is rising and soon there will be much upheaval in the Nation of America, and it will spread to other nations from there.      The enemy has gained access to your economy and will deal a harsh blow to it. Some industries will be affected catastrophically. A few industries will show a false rise, which will quickly crash. Overall, your economy will suffer long term.    Prepare, My children, for the storm is upon you and in this storm are other storms you cannot escape.   The end has begun and all that has been foretold in My Holy Word will shortly follow as the end of all things plays out before you.    Cling to Me. Cling to My Word. Cling to your faith, for many will try to strip you of it and it is by your faith that you are saved.    Soon you will be with Me in your eternal home. Matthew 7:24-26 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doet...

Unused Talents

   You are not using all I gave you in this world. You have been gifted with many gifts and you waste them on worldly pursuits. I have warned you already I will take those talents and give them to another if you do not use them for Me and My children have but a short time and I shall do so. Some I have already removed, from those who have turned from Me and gone back into the world.    If you do not use the gifts I have given you, you will stand before Me to give an answer at judgment of what else you have done with your time and talents in the earth. Matthew 25:14-30  14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. 15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. 16 Then he that had received the five talents went and tra...


    The other day the Lord showed me a picture of a lioness nursing her cubs. I understood immediately that He was showing me that He is raising up women as well as men to be mentors to the next generation. Some of you are being groomed for ministry to nurture the younger believers into the calling that the Lord has for them. Those of you who are grounded in the word, know how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, and are able to discern that which is spiritual from that which is carnal will mentor these young cubs. To those of you who are in your “golden years”, the Lord has not forgotten you. You will release the wisdom and revelation that He has imparted to you to the younger generation. After I received this word I did a search on the lioness and her cubs. The cubs will go on to eat meat after a few months but remain dependent on the mother’s milk for up to two years. The mother protects the...


Those of you who know me, know that the Holy Spirit sometimes speaks to me through extremely vivid dreams. This morning when I woke up I knew that I had several dreams but I couldn’t recall the details. After a few minutes I walked into the kitchen and as I looked at my clock the Holy Spirit instantly brought back to my remembrance an amazing dream that I had. I knew without a doubt that this dream was a word from God.   In the dream I was looking at a clock on a wall. It was a fairly large clock, round, and approximately 12’ in diameter. As I was watching it the hands began to rotate on their own. I was so excited because I knew that the Holy Spirit was showing me an acceleration of time. I remember watching intently as the hands went around. I was waiting to see what number they stopped at and although they didn’t stop, for some reason it caught my attention when the minute hand passed the number six. I quickly reached for my phone to record a video of this...