These Are The Days Of Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Jonah Encounter

Just before I fell fully asleep, a heavenly voice said to me, “these are the days of Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Jonah.” The Message: “I am awakening My Hidden Mysteries in your generation, for this is the Season of Great Shaking, Great Awakening, Great Revelation, Great Mobilization for My Great Harvest just ahead of you all. I am preparing you to move into your rightful places that I have been readying you all for. I have not disclosed all of My Purposes yet, and many are running before they have received all of My Counsels, which will soon be apparent as I begin to unfold My Plans all around you.” “It is time to understand the areas in which I am bringing change in your times. I will show you portions of this through the parables of My servants lives which you have all read in My Word. For those who have gone before you have laid the foundation for you to now move into their portions, and also comple...