These Are The Days Of Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Jonah Encounter

Just before I fell fully asleep, a heavenly voice said to me, “these are the days of Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Jonah.” 
The Message:
“I am awakening My Hidden Mysteries in your generation, for this is the Season of Great Shaking, Great Awakening, Great Revelation, Great Mobilization for My Great Harvest just ahead of you all. I am preparing you to move into your rightful places that I have been readying you all for. I have not disclosed all of My Purposes yet, and many are running before they have received all of My Counsels, which will soon be apparent as I begin to unfold My Plans all around you.”
“It is time to understand the areas in which I am bringing change in your times. I will show you portions of this through the parables of My servants lives which you have all read in My Word. For those who have gone before you have laid the foundation for you to now move into their portions, and also complete their tasks left undone, and to build upon them. Your generation is the Bridge to the Fuller Mysteries of My Kingdom and to the Wisdom of the Ages. What you embrace here will allow that which is hidden to be revealed and to be fulfilled in the earth. Let us look, and see what lies ahead of you all.”
“The sign you will see shall be of the return of that which has fallen into depravity, rebellion, and disorder now come into My light and divine order. Darkness and captivity will now be brought to the reality of My Kingdom and into the Truth. Generations that have been living within the bondage of lies will now have the opportunity to ascend and to live in My light. A great war has begun, and you are only seeing the beginning of the greater shaking, and the conflict of the separation of the kingdoms of darkness and of men. There shall be no more hiding, nor the mingling of the holy with the profane anymore. Your generation shall know the reality of My Justice and of My Truth. My Holiness shall weigh heavily across the lands and multitudes shall choose who they will fully serve. My Fire shall prove the hearts of men, and many shall call upon My name again. It has begun. You must position yourself to run.”
“I have raised up those who have faithfully served Me, while living among the world and serving among men in your day, those who have not bowed their knees nor compromised their integrity to cover any lies. My stewards have carried My heart and My burdens and have sought My face for years and with many tears for this generation. I have watched the sacrifices of those who have kept their watches, and who have not wavered in their love for Me, nor My people. This is a time for demotion and also for promotion. I am changing the leadership across the earth, and I am moving leaders into new positions and into new commissions. Men are wrestling across the earth for control, but I tell you many heads will surely roll. You now live in a New Era, and it shall be both tumultuous and glorious. I am drawing near, My Glory shall increase, and those who walk with Me shall not fear. The Transformation process shall accelerate, My Rain of Fire is here, and My Harvest is not late. ”
“That which has been done in secret has only begun to be disclosed and also to be openly recompensed in your times. What I have written for your day has come to the fullness of its time. What I have prepared in secret is now wakening in your consciousness and My Wisdom shall be understood. Those who have been prepared shall awaken and shall announce and reveal the things I will reveal, and that shall bring the current harvesters to maturity. The fullness of My Desire can then be unsheathed to wield My Sickle to the ends of the earth. You each have been chosen to usher in a global birth. You are the new leaders that shall feed, and wisely instruct the laborers that are to come after you. My priests and My prophets shall no more be ridiculed nor put to shame, for the reality of My Spirit shall greatly burn, and all men shall know they are truly My Priests and My Prophets, and multitudes shall finally be willing to learn. My Government shall be put into order in your midst, and My House shall function and My Body shall flow together with Me. Look and see, its finally going to be all about Me!”
“I am calling unto cities, entire regions, and many nations to Myself in this hour. Cities shall shake because of My Messengers who shall come and cry out in her streets. Many have stoned My prophets in the past, and have ignored, ridiculed, and even destroyed those that I have sent to them, thinking they did not need My Wisdom nor My Government in their midst. I choose the messengers, and I choose the places of My Rest. I call to every heart, looking for a place to start, yet most close their ears, and will not hear. Now shall My Voices shout in this hour, as waves and waves of My Fire falls upon the lands. My Grace is being extended to those who will cry out to be mended. I shall answer them true, and My angels shall measure the lands anew, for the Season of the Winds have blown, and now the Truth shall be known. Grace shall flow to those who will bow low, and I shall bless the harvests of those who will be willing to go. I will extend the time for the sowing to be complete, and many new messengers shall converge and strategize on behalf of the new empty Governmental seats.”
“One more thing:”
“Listen to My Sages, and study their pages, for in them you shall find the Wisdom for your times. They prepared the way for you to stand firm today, and within their pages I have hidden keys for you to discover and to release into the earth. The quality of your search will reveal the beauty of your birth. Learn from Me, and treasure My Mysteries, for you will each become radiant as you apply the lesson of their histories. What was sown, watered, and has even died on your behalf, will now begin to come forth again, and what you learn will bless your generational roots and bear the greatest of fruit. Your generation is the stump of what was, but which shall sprout again, to bring forth a radiant mature bride for Him! Learn well, for its yours to tell!”
Ephesians 1:In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor, Which He lavished upon us in every kind of wisdom and understanding (practical insight and prudence), Making known to us the mystery (secret) of His will (of His plan, of His purpose). [And it is this:] In accordance with His good pleasure (His merciful intention) which He had previously purposed and set forth in Him, 10 [He planned] for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ, [both] things in heaven and things on the earth.11 In Him we also were made [God’s] heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance; for we had been foreordained (chosen and appointed beforehand) in accordance with His purpose, Who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His [own] will, 12 So that we who first hoped in Christ [who first put our confidence in Him have been destined and appointed to] live for the praise of His glory

Susan O’Marra


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