Here Comes the Bride Kristen New

 The Holy Spirit put it on my heart to share this word that I had three years ago. The Lord showed me three different types of brides. The first bride was the radiant bride, the second bride was the runaway bride and the third bride was the sleeping bride. The radiant bride was as a wise virgin mentioned in Matthew chapter 25:4 who kept her lamp filled with fresh oil until her bridegroom came. The runaway bride was the bride who got "cold feet", became fearful and ran away from the call of God on her life. The sleeping bride was the bride who grew tired of waiting on her bridegroom and fell asleep before her bridegroom arrived.

The Lord says of His radiant bride, My bride has arrived. She is radiant, and she is arrayed in My glory. She is pure and virtuous and set apart from the world. She will not allow herself to be defiled as she walks in holiness with garments of white without spot or wrinkle. I have placed My signet ring upon her finger and clothe her in My anointing. She is a carrier of My presence and she releases My glory wherever she goes. The atmosphere changes when she walks into a room. Darkness instantly flees as My glorious light illuminates from her being. Her relationship with Me is secure, and she would never consider another love. She knows the depth of My love for her and therefore she walks in confidence, trust and perfect peace. She is adorned with robes of righteousness because she is a woman of honor and integrity. She enters My chambers daily with great expectation because she has won My heart. I continually teach her My ways because she has found favor in My sight. She is unique and she has My approval because she knows what is rightfully hers. She is not conformed to this world, because her mind is transformed. She knows that she is not perfect, but her desire is to please Me. She carries fresh oil at all times and her lamp never goes out.

She is determined and victorious and never grows weary in well doing. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She is compassionate and reaches out to help the poor. She looks much deeper within a person rather than judge them by their outward appearance. She is not prejudice and will never disrespect someone because of their nationality or race. She treats both the same the rich and the poor but resists the proud and the arrogant. She loves the sinner but hates their sin. Her frequency in the fiery furnace has made her stronger each time, and she now reaches out to rescue those who are entrapped. She will go out of her way for the one who is lost, and will comfort those who are considered outcasts. She will never turn away those who are rejected and scorned but will always befriend them into her life. I have raised her to beauty from ashes, so that she could relate to those who are afflicted and bring joy to those who mourn
Don't let her gentleness fool you because she is strong and very courageous. Don't let her appearance fool you because she is also a warrior. She is tenacious in warfare and won't back down when the enemy confronts her. The evil one has nothing in her because she knows the authority that she has in My name. Nations take heed to her words because she has My consent to speak as she trumpets My voice with clarity and accuracy. The kingdom of darkness trembles at the words of her mouth because they are attuned with My voice. Her words are not compromised, and she is never in competition or rivalry. She understands My Covenant, therefore she speaks with boldness. She is not affected by bad reports and is not moved by what she hears. She pays no attention to a suffered wrong and she is not easily offended because she has a heart of forgiveness. She is a watchman on the wall, ready to intercede for the needs that come her way. She knows that I hear every request as she comes boldly before My throne of grace.

You ask, Who is this bride? Who qualifies for such an honor? My son, My daughter, you are My bride. Come My beloved, My body, My bride. I have redeemed you and I have called you by name. The gender of My bride is not limited to the female, but to the male also. My bride is not limited to those who are called to the five fold ministry but My bride are those who are least among you in My kingdom. My bride is those who are in Covenant with Me. You have been called, chosen and set apart for this time and season. It is with you that I will show Myself strong. It is with you that I will do great exploits. You will walk in a manner worthy of My glory. Enter into the place that I have perfected for you My bride. Enter into this season with great expectation my lover, my bride, says the Lord.

Proverbs 31:25-26 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

2 Corinthians 11:2 For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.

Revelation 21:2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

The Lord says to the runaway Bride, why are you running, my lover, my bride? The wedding feast has been prepared. I am calling you back to your rightful position. Do not fear, and do not be offended. I will heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds. I will forgive all your iniquities, heal all your diseases, and redeem your life from destruction. Allow Me to crown you with loving kindness and tender mercies once again. I will satisfy your mouth with good things, and renew your youth like the eagle's. I am calling you back to a deep intimate relationship with Me. Make yourself ready. I am married to the backslider and I long for your love says the Lord.

Psalms 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Jeremiah 3:14 -15 "Return, O backsliding children," says the LORD; "for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Then the Lord showed me an analogy of "Sleeping Beauty" which represented the "Sleeping Bride". The Lord says, "I Am calling my Covenant bride to awaken. I am calling My bride to wake up from her sleep and enter into the place that I have prepared for her in this time and this season. My bride you have been asleep for too long. It is time to arise and rekindle the flame. It is time to take your stand in My Kingdom and walk in all that I have called you to do. It is time to take ground from what the enemy has stolen from you. Many of you have been crying out for revival. You have cried out for My favor and to be used by Me, but you have gone into a slumber. As you arise and submit to My plans and purposes for your life, I will release the mantle, the calling and the gifts that I have for you. I will take you to new levels that you have not yet known.

I will give you the desires of your heart but you must awaken my bride. Awaken to My plans and purposes that I have for you. Shake off your slumber and come out of your spiritual lethargy. You ask Me to take you to the next level, but you are hindering yourself as you are lagging behind. I will do wonders among you as you come before Me in total submission.. Come before Me with clean hands and a pure heart. This is My requirement to enter in to the Holy of Holies. This is My requirement to bring you into new realms of My glory. You will see the miracles, signs and wonders that you've longed for. Come before Me in prayer and fasting. As you seek My face I will give you clarity in the way you should go. I am about to release My glory in abundance, and bring a transformation to your life as you submit it all to Me. So arise My bride, awaken to your destiny and let Me bring you into My chambers, says the Lord."

Romans 13:11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Ephesians 5:14 For this reason it says, "Awake sleeper and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you".

Elaine Tavolacci


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