of us think about what it was like when Jesus walked the earth. As we
read the bible we envision the story that is unfolding. We read about
the miracles of the blind seeing, the lame waking, even the dead being
raised. But one thing that we don’t realize is that before Jesus left
the earth, He gave us the same power and authority that He had. He said
“Greater works will you do because I go to My father.
was not an angry, critical or judgmental man as some people visualize
Him to be. The only thing that He judged was the religious doctrine of
the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and false teachers. He rebuked people
for lack of faith but everything that He did was done in love.
Everywhere that He went healing, miracles and deliverance occurred.
Jesus loved to blow people’s minds which caused a commotion in every
town that he entered.
turned water into wine. He walked on water and called Peter out to walk
to Him. Another time He multiplied food and fed thousands of people
with five barley loaves and two small fish. He calmed a storm and raised
Lazarus from the dead.
Lord is calling us to walk as Jesus walked on this earth. We are called
to be signs and wonders in this season of great chaos. He is looking
for someone who will walk in strength and boldness as well as holiness
and righteousness. He is looking for someone who He could trust with His
anointing to do great exploits.
Lord says, I have created you in My image. I have created you to
represent Me in this hour. You are set apart for My purposes and plans,
and I will move mightily on your behalf as you walk in integrity and
sincerity. I have called you to be a sign and a wonder to this
generation. I have called you to have courage and mountain moving faith.
Me to take dominion over every area of your life so that you will begin
to see with the eyes of faith. You will begin to trust Me as challenges
arise. Allow Me to strengthen you in the things that you are unable to
accomplish on your own. As you submit to My word of truth, it will
sustain you and supply your daily bread.
will give you peace in the midst of every storm. Know that I am He who
walked on the water. I am He who rebuked the wind and it ceased. I am He
who said "Peace be still" to the raging sea and it became still. It is I
who have given you the same authority over the winds in the spirit
realm and over the waves in the natural realm. Do not be moved by the
intensity of storms that arise in the natural. Do not waver in your
belief, and do not falter by what is happening around you but keep your
eyes on Me at all times.
not allow anything to throw you off course or mislead you. As you
continue to pursue peace, you will dwell in safety. As you walk in
righteousness, your foundation will be firm. Never allow fear to
overwhelm you. As you pursue Me no matter what the situation may be, you
will know that I have given you all power over the enemy and nothing by
any means shall harm you says the Lord.
Matthew 21:21
Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have
faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig
tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into
the sea,’ it will be done.
John 14:12
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
1 John 2:6
Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.
Elaine Tavolacci
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