The Lightning, Horses, Wings, Compass and Prophecy given at SOG on 12-14-18

You’ve called us by name, and you are stirring the atmosphere. You are breathing and you are blowing, and you are flowing. We yield to you Holy Spirit. We give way to you Holy Spirit. Not what we want but what you want. Not what we decide, but what you have decided, and what is written on our scroll tonight. Lord, that you would lift us and that we would arrive at that spiritual destination tonight that you have for us. Lord, quicken. Touch right now, Lord. Let your Spirit move and touch right now.
The Horses come:
There are many horses in the room and they have come through the gates tonight. These horses have come from the North, the South, the East, and the West. They have come, the Father has sent them on assignment. Your Spirit is watching, and your horses come from the North, the South, the East, and the West, and they patrol this region. They patrol these cities. They patrol our homes and our lives. They patrol the state and the nation. The angels are on patrol, and the horses are coming and going. We release the horses now. We release the angelic riders. We release you and your assignments to go. We release you to move! Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!
Interlude of praying in tongues corporately….

The angel with the compass comes through the gate:
I see an angel with a big compass and he’s all lightning. As we were praying in tongues the compass was turning and spinning. At different times when the compass was turning it would hit a certain direction it would release lightning. Some of the lightning was ball lightning, lightning like balls. Some lightning was red like sprite lightning and it went out, and then some lightning was like branches that went out. Some lightning was really strange- it was like liquid lightning.
So, the Lord is moving different things through each gate. North, South, East, and West. Tonight, He chose to begin, on 12-14-18, through 12-17-18, these four days, four ways. The Lightning is His Voice that goes out. The scripture says that the lightning is His voice that goes out, and He is speaking in the gates. In four ways, over four days, He is speaking. There will be signs, for He is speaking. He wants to do new things and new things have opened up, and the horses have come to begin to move in new, and deeper, and more powerful ways in this region, cause the gates are open, and they are moving through the gates, because you are the gatekeepers, and the Lord wants you to know what Heaven is doing in your midst, so that you can agree and move on assignment with them over the next four days. There is going to be specific assignments and specific alignments, because things are aligning. The compass is turning, and things are going to realign and reassign.
Mary Ann’s vision:
Jesus came to me and said, “Come with Me.” So I walk with Him, and all of a sudden I was on a cloud. In the clouds, I saw God the Father on the Throne, and there were 4 angels that were huge Captains. We were in the audience of God the Father. There were horses too.
The wings arrive:
Then wings begin to fill the room. The atmosphere is shifting in here. Whenever I see the wings, it is elevation, because God is lifting us into the new places in the Spirit. All of these wings are in the air because He is lifting you into a whole new place. Different realms. Revelation. Activation. Lord, we just yield to the work of your hand. We say, Lord, take us by the hand, by the hair, however you want to lift us up, we will go. Some prophets were lifted up by their hair, lol. We will go Jesus, all of these wings in the atmosphere.
The Lord says, “Come up here. Come up here. I have more for you to hear. I have more for you to see. More for you to understand. More for you to be. There is more for you to be. I am changing everything. I’m turning it around. I’m turning it inside out, upside down. My compass is in My hand because I am in this land, and My will for you is to expand. Though you have had to fight and take your stand, My angels are here at their command.”
“I am going to join you hand to hand. I am going to join you shoulder to shoulder. I am going to join you hip to hip. I am going to join you. I am going to cause you to come together, in such a way that would even astound you, cause you do not have the whole view of what I want to do. But I am fashioning you, and knitting you, and inspiring you brand new, because My horses are here and you are going to run with them this year.”
“You are going to ascend and descend with My ranks, and with My folds. I am here to release the new and the old. I am here to release the things yet to be told. I am here because you are My vessels of gold. You are the ones who have stood, that have waited, and who have legislated, and have not deviated from the course I set before you. Though many opposed you, and many criticized you, and many fought you, but you dug in your heels and you stood.”
“I say to you, I am here, and I have come to fulfill what I promised, what I told you, for I am opening up new fountains in this hour. I am opening My Chambers of the Wind and of the Lightning. You are going to see signs in lightning. You are going to see signs in wind. You are going to see signs in fire, and in the oil because I am here to take a spoil, and you are going to take a spoil of all the things that have been delayed. I was in the delay. Sometimes My obstacles are in your way, because I have a timing for this day, for things to be fulfilled My Way, and I am coming now, because My horses are in your gate.”
“This city has been known in the former and natural ways for horses in the avenues, but they have not yet encountered My angelic horses. They have not yet encountered My heavenly streets, for Oh heaven is coming to the earth, and face to face, we are going to meet! Because Children, you are in your seat, and I am sitting in My North gate, My South gate, My East gate, and My West gate. I am here to announce what Heaven is about to legislate so that you will be right on time with Me. So, its time to ascend, to come up here, and hear and see the things that will shortly be, because I am moving in this city. I am moving in this region. I am moving in this state, and I am not late. I am in your gate.”
“My Lightning’s will begin to flash. My Lightning’s will begin to crack. My Lightning’s will begin to roar. My Lightning’s will begin to pour. For I have signs in the heavens and I have signs in the earth. There’s a four day incremental birth. Step by step, over these four days, it shall come from heaven into the earth, like steps of a ladder, but steps to the earth. Watch, and take note of the strange things about to take place, because Children, I have given you My Great Grace. That’s why I called you to this place, because I am about to change the course of your race.”
“I am going to shift your ministry. I am going to shift your business. I am going to shift your family. I am going to shift this city. For people will wonder, “How can this be? How can this be the Lord, this is crazy! How can this be, this cannot be God!” Ha Ha Ha…they have not seen My angel with his rod. They have not seen the Living God, because I am not dead, I am alive, and this city is called to thrive, because I am coming, like bees to a hive. I am coming like the honey to the bee. I am coming to unite yourself with Me.”
“I am coming to satisfy, and I am coming to drench, because Children, you are My judicial bench. You are My gatekeepers who I can trust. You will not corrupt the Holy that is coming, and that is going to flow, and its not going to be a show. I will not allow those things anymore, but it will be radical, and it will be. So from East to West and from North to South, suddenly My Lightning’s you are going to see.”
Then I go home and see that Ian Johnson posted in Facebook about 33,218 lightning’s strikes in New Zealand:
Susan O’Marra - 12-14-18
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