“Transcript of the Prophecy given at SOG on January 11th, 2019 - for the Year 2019”

Children you do not yet see the things that I have ordained for thee. Things that I have ordained from the beginning, but there are times that I ordained things that you have to wait for my cycles to come around, for the doors to open, for the pieces to come together, to reveal all that I have been making, and all that I have been setting in order for you to step out into and upon. And you are at this time, and in this manner you are at this place in Me. And you do not always see and understand the things that are yet at hand. But I say to you, continue to take your stand. Continue to stand, hand in hand, because I am ready to expand.
I have set things in motion, and I have set things in order, and I have set things in array. And I tell you this day, I shall have My way, for I’ve had My say. But who are those who will hear and obey? And who will go all the way? Because that is what I say, there is a price that you will pay to finish and to go all the way. But it is a price that I already paid for you. It is a price that has already been entered into your account in heaven. And it is already in your account; all you need to do is lean into Me, because I am the guarantee of your victory. Because your victory is in Me. And as you continue to lean into Me, and as you continue to look into Me, and listen and take heed unto My voice, surely I will part the waters, I will pull back the curtains, and I will iron things out, so that you can understand the things that are about. This is why you will shout, and you will victoriously rout, because I am driving the enemy out.

It is My time, not just yours. I have waited for generations to rise up in My people. I have waited for times and seasons and for My reasons, for My people to be ready. When they would be rock steady, and they would be ready and not heady, when they would be ready and stand their ground. Surely the world will know their God is found! Because Children, I will manifest Myself all around, and it is time the world knows I am alive. It is time for you to thrive. It is time for the world to know that I am the God of My people in the earth, and you are the people that will give Me birth. You are the ones that will have a victorious worth. You are the ones who will reap My harvest of great worth. You are My harvesters in the earth.
Do not look at the battle in the same manner as of old. Yet, you do not understand, but you will, as you obey each day the things I tell you each day, because I will unfold it, and I will clear it, and I will draw near it, but you must not fear it. You must hear it, and you must do what I’ve asked you to do. Because only then will the victory come true, and this is not a surprise to you, this is encouragement, because you are the ones that have overcome. And I say, watch and see what will be done, because Children, it shall be fun, because My angels area ready to run.

I am coming, and I am here, and this city will fear, and they will know that I am near. Because I have made you ready, and you are My strong and steady, and upon you I will build My house. I will build My Glory, and I will build My harvest story. And you will write My books, for the generations to come that will want to look and read the accounts of how this city was shook. You are the ones that will be in those pages, because you are earning Obedience’s wages.
More prophecy after worship:

In your hands I have given you many keys. I have given you keys of access with Me, for this year, and for the years ahead of you. I have given you keys to redeem many things, even the things that you would dream. Even the things that I would dream, even the things that I would desire to bring. Oh, but you must position yourself. You must position your face into Spring, for in the Spring I shall begin a new thing. For I am unclothing you, and unwrapping you, and unlocking you, and I am making you new. I am going to clothe you anew with Me. I am going to wrap Myself and weave Myself through you, and I am going to open your eyes to see the things that I want to be. The things that are waiting for thee.
You have My Keys. Its time that you and I agree because you are in your destiny. I have already set you in your place. I have already arrayed the prophecies, and I have waited for you to embrace. You must embrace in this place the Great Grace that I have set before your face. For surely you are the ones that will pioneer a new race. For the old race is finished and the batons have been laid down, and the trophies were given out all around. But I have established a brand new race for a brand new thing, for a brand new Spring, for this generation to ring.
For there are things that I hide in the heavens, and there are things that I hide in the earth. I tell you of them before they happen so that you will not be able to say that you knew of them and that you did them. Because these things I hide from the wise in their own eyes, and I reveal them through My people that have been waiting, that have been prostrating, that have been legislating with Me. I am going to usher in a whole new identity.

For My church is going to rise out of the ashes, and she is going to stand as the pure gold that she is in My hand, and she is going to flourish and prosper in all the land. Because I am not a silent God, I am not a weak God, but I am a wise God, and I have a big rod. And My church is going to stand this year as never before, and the Fear of Me is going to begin to roar, and this generation will learn even more, that I am the God of My people. For I shall be known in the earth. I shall be feared in the earth. My church shall be reverenced for who she is, for she is going to give birth, and the nations will tremble and shake and cry out because of what I am about to make. Because My Glory is going to flood the earth, and the nations will understand, and respect, and fear Me again, and I shall bring My harvest in.

Behold, My Winds, they come, and My Fires will come, and My Waves will come, and My people will stand, and they will decree a thing, and you shall see an extension of My hand. For your eyes will suddenly see My unfolding plan. And then you will understand, and you will labor together hand in hand, as you all follow My command. So I say to you, wake up. I say to you, get ready. I say to you, position yourself, for I am coming to do a new thing. I am coming to do My thing. I am coming to move in the earth, because I found a people that will let Me give birth.

You have the keys in your hand. You are here to understand. I am unfolding My plan. It will not go the way man thinks it shall go. It will not go the way you think it shall go. But you are here to know that I have written it so, and its going to flow, and you are going to flow. And we are going to go, and you are going to go, and the world will know what I am about to show, because its time to go. And to the nations you will go, and it will not be as you did in the old. It will not even be as you did in the former years, because I am doing a new thing!
You are going to go to new places, new races, new faces, because I am not moving as I did of the old! I closed that book, and I have opened a new. I have opened a new book for you, the chapter in your life, in your race, in your place. It is a new season and I have made you ready. It is time to be rock steady, because I am moving, and you have My Keys, and to you, I have given to Harvest victories. So when I open a door, you step through. It does not matter what I do. It matters what WE do, because Heaven needs you!
My angels stand with their ledgers in their hands, and My scribes are writing at My command, and they are unveiling all of My written plans. Giving them to those who seek Me to understand, and who are waiting, and who are willing to be the man. For My angels have inspected, and they have watched, and they have prayed, and they have asked Me to be assigned to those that will run, to those that are ready to begin with Me. And new angels are coming, and they are being assigned to you in this hour. Because of the commissions, and the anointing, and the missions of power. It is time to look higher. Look further and understand, your vision is too small for the things that are at hand.

I say to you, let go of all that you think you know, because I am coming with a greater flow. I am coming to do a new thing in the earth. And Children, you are the Remnant, you are the ones that will usher in the greater birth, because I am coming for a harvest birth. I am coming to harvest the earth.  I am coming to harvest cities. I am coming to harvest regions. I am coming to harvest legions. And you are the ones that hold the keys. You are the ones that hold the harvest destiny with Me. You are the ones that will write the books, and the generations after you will long to look, and to understand those that ushered it in and birthed it throughout the lands. They will want to see and they will want a share, they will want to co-labor with you everywhere, because heaven is aware of what you are about to do. They know what has been written of you, because they read your books in heaven, and they have prayed for you. “Lord, no leaven. Lord, no leaven, make them ready.” –And they understand what’s at hand. Its time for you now to understand and take your stand, because you are coming under a greater command.

I am ready to move in this land, and you are not to look at the left or at the right, because neither one is right. All men are in My sight, but I have yet to reveal My Arm of Might. Though you are going to have a great fight, it will not be like they might, it will be as its in My Sight, because I’m coming with Might, and I am going to part the troubled waters, and you are going to see a great deliverance, and a great victory through the storm, because your life will not be the norm, because its going to be a brand new form. Its time you understand you have the Key of Victory in your hand, which is the salvation of your land. I am about to expand.
-       Susan O’Marra
-       01-11-19


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