
Showing posts from July, 2019


                              When I was a young girl we didn’t have mobile phones, computers or any type of digital devices. We used cameras to take pictures which had to go through a process of development. A negative was taken through several steps before a photograph was formed. The film was first taken into a dark room. It was then soaked in water, then converted into a metallic silver. It was then rinsed in clean water, and it was finally perfected by light. As the photograph was being developed it was handled carefully to avoid any damage, discoloration, or fading.   We live in a generation who has been spoiled with modern technology. We are able to take pictures instantly from just about any place in the world with a cell phone or other digital device. In the same way, so many of us resist the process that God brings us through, because we are ...

A Difficult Time

  A difficult time approaches your world, My people. Some changes are coming on the world stage you are not expecting that will make life for My people a struggle.    In ways you cannot yet see, the world food supply shall begin to dwindle. A little at first, and then a lot. This will cause great difficulty for many who cannot afford a lot of food even now.  Know that if you are truly Mine, if you walk in My ways, if you obey My commands and My leadings, I will supply all your needs. I will guide you to provision in secret places. I will make known to you how to survive this time. Do not fear.    As these difficulties begin, do not tremble. Do not let the enemy make you afraid. Seek My face for this is the key to survival in every situation. Seek to know Me, to do My will. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will lead you. Proverbs 3:5-7     5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.   ...


                              There is a scripture in the book of Revelation which says “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. When we give our testimony whether it is spoken or written out, it releases an anointing for others to be set free. It creates an atmosphere for others to be saved, healed and delivered. It releases strength and encouragement to transform lives. For those of you who know me, know that I have an extensive testimony. Just as the apostle Paul said, He has rescued me from so great a threat of death, and will continue to rescue me. Every one of you also has a testimony. Some of you have been thrown into a pit and sold as a slave just as Joseph was. The Lord is about to bring you out in the same way with favor and authority over your enemies. Some have been thrown into the fiery furnace as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego was. Your e...

Willing to Change

     To those of My children who truly strive to walk in My ways and to do all that pleases Me: Your efforts do not go unnoticed. There is a record here in Heaven of all you do.    I see your struggle to make all areas of your life conform to My ways. My child, only I can perfect you. You do not carry that burden alone.    If you will only be willing to be changed, if you will be willing to lay down that sin, if you will cry out to Me for help in laying it down, I will help you. Romans 12:1-2 1   I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Jeremiah 29:11 11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward y...


    The Holy Spirit gave me an awesome word for this week. Most of us have been to hundreds of church services, conferences, heard countless messages, watched numerous videos, went to Bible College but never had a genuine personal encounter with Jesus. The book of Exodus says that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Jesus is about to show up with a Holy Visitation In the book of Exodus He revealed Himself to 600,000 Israelites with signs, wonders and miracles during their time in the wilderness. Their clothes and their shoes didn’t wear out for forty years. He led them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He rained down manna from heaven to feed them continually, yet the people murmured and complained. He even used Moses rod to part the Red Sea so that they could escape from Pharaohs army as He drowned their enemies as they tried to pursue them. Even after all that the Lord did for them...

Distractions and Entertainment

    My children, so many souls walk every day in darkness. They have no knowledge of Me. They scoff at My warnings through My prophets.    There is a day coming soon when many of them will be taken in their sin, never to know Me. Pray for these lost souls for it is My desire they would know Me. It is not My desire they would perish, but come to the knowledge of the truth and enjoy everlasting life.    Your world is filled with many distractions and much entertainment. The enemy has set up many rivals for your time with Me. He has set many deceptions to lure away the unsuspecting and the unsaved. My heart grieves for the misery in their future. I desire My children would intercede for these lost souls and witness to those around you, so I may save them.    Time is very short now, My children. Already the sorrows are upon you. Do not waste the time you have left to do good in the earth. Touch those you can.  Show kindness everywhere. Giv...


  The Lord brought me back to a prophetic word that I received about a year ago. The Holy Spirit showed me numerous Christians who were packing their bags, zipping them up, putting a lock on them, and throwing away the key. These were believers who had given up on pursuing the plans that Jesus had for their lives. In their earlier years as a believer they spent quality time in the secret place but now the light seemed to grow dim in their prayer closets. They used to be the first ones in the church when the doors opened. They no longer play worship music in their cars or search for the latest books on revival. They no longer spend time in the Word of God or soaking in the presence of God. Pursuing Jesus has become a task and a burden rather than a privilege for some of you. Difficult times have brought discouragement. In the book of Hebrews the apostle Paul encouraged the people not to throw away their confidence because it will be greatly rewarded. I...