Lord brought me back to a prophetic word that I received about a year
ago. The Holy Spirit showed me numerous Christians who were packing
their bags, zipping them up, putting a lock on them, and throwing away
the key. These were believers who had given up on pursuing the plans
that Jesus had for their lives. In their earlier years as a believer
they spent quality time in the secret place but now the light seemed to
grow dim in their prayer closets. They used to be the first ones in the
church when the doors opened. They no longer play worship music in their
cars or search for the latest books on revival. They no longer spend
time in the Word of God or soaking in the presence of God.
Jesus has become a task and a burden rather than a privilege for some
of you. Difficult times have brought discouragement. In the book of
Hebrews the apostle Paul encouraged the people not to throw away their
confidence because it will be greatly rewarded. If you don’t become
weary in well doing, in due season you will reap if you faint not. Be
persuaded that what Jesus has promised to you, He will perform and
complete. He has a plan for every life and no purpose of His could be
are numerous stories throughout the New Testament where people would do
anything to touch Jesus. Everywhere that he went people would swarm
around him just to hear his teaching. Lives were transformed, people
were delivered, healed and set free. A man named Jairus fell at Jesus
feet and begged him to go to his house. Jesus willingly went and healed
his daughter. A woman who had an issue of blood was so desperate for
healing that she pressed through the crowd just to touch Jesus cloak. He
replied to her; women your faith has made you whole, go in peace.
time when Jesus went through Jericho there was a wealthy tax collector
who was short in stature named Zacchaeus. He was not able to see Jesus
because of the crowd so he climbed up a sycamore tree just to see him.
Because of his perseverance, Jesus told him that salvation has come to
his house. Jesus healed everyone who ever went to him. The only time he
had to withdraw himself from doing miracles was in his own hometown
because of their lack of faith. Jesus is calling you back to that place
of intimacy with Him. He is pursuing you to return to your first love.
Lord says; I am calling you back to pursue the vision that you once
had. I am restoring the dreams that you have forsaken. Do not be
dismayed by adverse circumstances. Do not allow discouragement to
overwhelm you and lead you in the wrong direction when things happen
that you have no control over. The assignments from the enemy are meant
to divert you from your purpose but as you pursue your dream, your
perseverance will catapult you into your destiny. The misfortunes that
were sent to destroy you will strengthen you as you endure without
be disillusioned when people reject you, spitefully use you or speak
against you. Don’t lose your focus when situations seem hopeless but
pursue the vision that you had once again. It is time to bring that
dream back to life. I will restore your fragmented life and shattered
dreams. I will heal your broken heart and restore your joy. Don’t be
disheartened by disappointments that you have encountered and don’t
allow fear to overtake you. Trust in me to once again make the crooked
paths straight as you pursue the plans that I have for you once again
says the Lord.
Job 42:2
“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
John 6:2
a great multitude followed Him, because they saw His signs which He
performed on those who were diseased. And Jesus went up on the mountain,
and there He sat with His disciples.
Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Hebrews 10:35
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.
Elaine Tavolacci
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