
Showing posts from August, 2019


In the jungle: 1. The Elephant is the biggest; 2. The Giraffe is the tallest; 3. The Fox is the wisest;? 4. The Cheetah is the fastest; Yet, the Lion is the KING of the jungle even without ANY of these qualities. Why? Because: 1. The Lion is courageous, is bold, walks with confidence, dares anything and is never afraid. 2. The Lion believes it is unstoppable. 3. The Lion is a risk taker. 4. The Lion believes any animal is food for him. 5. The Lion believes any opportunity is worth giving a trial and never lets it slip from its hands. So... 1. You don't need to be the fastest. 2. You don't need to be the wisest. 3. You don't need to be the smartest. 4. You don't need to be the most brilliant. 5. All you need is *courage* 6. All you need is the *will to try*. 7. All you need is the *faith* to believe it *is possible*. 8. All you need is to believe in yourself, that *you can* do it.!! Stay in the Lion's mood! That's the mood for wi...

Don't die in the Wilderness



The Lord gave me a profound word this week. It may be lengthy but I’d like to share the story from the book of Judges Chapters thirteen to sixteen before I share the word. There was a man in the bible named Samson. Samson’s mother was barren but an angel appeared to her and told her that she was going to have a son. He said that she was not to drink any wine and no razor shall come upon his head because he was called to be a Nazarite dedicated to God from the womb. A Nazarite was an Israelite who followed a rigorous regimen of purity and was consecrated and separated unto God. The angel also told her that her son was going to begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.”  The angel reappeared to her and her husband Manoah after he prayed. They didn’t recognize that it was an angel as they spoke to him because he appeared as a man although his countenance was as an angel. He repeated to her husband what he had told her. He told them to prep...


  The past couple of weeks I have been sharing testimonies and prophetic words that I have recently received. Last night I went to Paulette Polo’s (Mantle of Power) tent meeting and received another powerful word from Torrey Marcel (Global Prayer Room NYC). I was completely enveloped in an unusually heavy presence of God as he prophesied to me. Without giving much detail, he gave me the same exact word that other prophets had given me the past few weeks. I want to continue to encourage those of you who are still going through battles. The Spirit realm is real. Angels as well as demons are real but the enemy only has the authority that you give him. You have to stand your ground. You are about to overcome something against all odds. A couple of years ago I was so sick that it was difficult to even stand up at times. When the doctors give you a negative report, stand on the word of God against all odds. Many of you are about to come out of that fiery furn...


  Many of you have already heard my testimony this week of my last CT scan being clear of cancer once again. For those of you who know me, know how the enemy has unsuccessfully tried to take my life since I was a young girl. In the book of Luke, Jesus said to Peter: Simon Simon, Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”  Most of you have also been through fiery trials in your life and the Lord wants to use you to strengthen others who have been through the same challenges. Yesterday I received a powerful lengthy prophetic word from two prophets. We have never met or even seen or heard of one another before this word. They said that I have an insatiable desire to walk in the supernatural and they prophesied to me with such precision and accuracy. I don’t feel that I should share the details ...


                            For the last fifteen years I have had several dreams, visions and prophetic words concerning a new breed of warriors who the Lord is raising up in these end times. They are with us now and they are taking the Kingdom of God to another level. They have tenacious faith and ready to defeat every demonic attack that comes against their families or their friends. They are fearless because they have been delivered from dark places, experienced extreme warfare and have overcame many challenges themselves.  They are radical but they walk in holiness rather than rebellion. They will not compromise with the things of this world and they walk in love. They are anointed because their hands are clean and their hearts are pure. Many people will speak against these radicals calling them “Generation X” or “The Millennial's” but they are called by God,...