Many of you have already heard my testimony this week of my last CT scan being clear of cancer once again. For those of you who know me, know how the enemy has unsuccessfully tried to take my life since I was a young girl. In the book of Luke, Jesus said to Peter: Simon Simon, Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” 

Most of you have also been through fiery trials in your life and the Lord wants to use you to strengthen others who have been through the same challenges. Yesterday I received a powerful lengthy prophetic word from two prophets. We have never met or even seen or heard of one another before this word.

They said that I have an insatiable desire to walk in the supernatural and they prophesied to me with such precision and accuracy. I don’t feel that I should share the details but one thing that they mentioned was my writing gift. They prophesied that the Holy Spirit was going to take over my pen and my keyboard and He was going to speak through my writing. They said that people are going to be healed when they read what I write. 

Then they went on to say that my message will be a healing balm of Gilead to the multitudes because of my heart of forgiveness. They said that I have not become bitter with the trauma that I went through in my life. This was such a profound word to me because they didn’t know anything about me. I am telling you this to encourage you to let go of anything in your heart towards anyone else. Unforgiveness and bitterness will only harm you and not the other person. The book of Hebrews 12:15 says (Passion Translation) Make sure no one lives with a root of bitterness sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many.

The Holy Spirit wants to use every one of us to minister with precision and accuracy. You may not be called to the five fold ministry but the Lord wants to use you where you are at. The only way to attain a higher level of spiritual authority is through an intimate
relationship with Jesus. When you are in fellowship and know His word, then you will hear His voice. He wants to release dreams, prophetic words, words of wisdom and words of knowledge through us that are not known by our natural knowledge.

I had a dream several years ago one night after I attended a powerful meeting. I won’t get into much detail but the Lord showed me a whole ritual that the enemy was planning. The colors in the dream were vibrant and there was resounding ancient tribal music playing. The dream was very symbolic and as I was waking up I felt a strong presence of The Holy Spirit and I still heard that ancient Egyptian music playing. 

A friend of mine who is a prophet sent me the interpretation of the dream at that time. This is a small part of the interpretation that he gave me. He said: Your dream is a spiritual journey (through the dream) into the spiritual realm to observe what the enemy is doing, so you in turn can veto or over rule it. (Ezekiel and others (Ezekiel Chap 40) and other prophets were often taken by the Spirit of the Lord into the spiritual realm to observe) 

This is what the Lord is showing me. The spirit realm is real. As long as we don't open ourselves up to anything that is not scriptural, there is no need to fear the supernatural realm. It is imperative to have discernment in the times that we are living. It is so important to stay connected to Jesus so that we will recognize the genuine from the counterfeit and understand our assignments. As we stay in His word, pray in the Spirit and stay in the communication of prayer, we will not be deceived in the days ahead. We must also remember that our words have power. Death and life are in the power of our tongues and our words carry authority. 

We are living in exciting times. Jesus wants to do wonders among us and He will use us and give us discernment as we are submitted to Him.

Numbers 12:6
Then He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.

Job 33:15-16 
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.

Daniel 2:22 
He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.
Praise Jesus


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