Change and Adapt
My children, some of the coming storms will change your landscape. ( I am uncertain whether He means the deadly winter storms or something else such as war) You must learn to adapt to change and adapt quickly, for you live in a time like no other. You are watching the end of all things as it happens on the Earth. You will not like all of what you see. You will pray at times for Me to stop what is happening, but I cannot for the end must come and My Word must be fulfilled. You will lose people you love and wonder why. Do not allow yourself to feel anger at Me, for their times are in My hands, just as yours are, and you cannot understand the reason for everything that happens. Much will happen in this time you do not understand. Seek Me for the peace you need to finish your race. Isaiah 55:8 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. Matthew 24:4-16 4 ...