as I was driving in my car, a tractor trailer passed by me with the
word “VISION” written across the side. I noticed that it was traveling
at an excessive speed. Not long before I saw this truck the Lord was
telling me that He wants to increase the spiritual vision of every
believer, not just prophets and prophetic seers. Jesus wants us to
develop a personal relationship with Him and allow Him to set us free
from anything that would hinder the flow of the Holy Spirit through us
so that we could see in the Spirit and hear His voice unhindered. He
wants to reveal to us things that will astound us.
we release a prophetic word, give a word of knowledge or heal the sick,
we shift the spiritual atmosphere. We are disturbing the evil spirits,
powers and principalities of this world. Our words carry creative power
when we speak whether it is good or evil. The Holy Spirit desires to
take us to a place where we could see things beyond the natural realm.
He wants to give every believer 3D (three dimension) vision.
have been born again of the Holy Spirit not only to see in the natural
realm but to see into the heavens and the kingdom of darkness. In the
book of 2 Kings, the servant told the king of Israel that Elisha even
knew what he was saying in his bedroom. The Lord wants to use us in such
a strategic way as to share intricate details to transform lives and
shift atmospheres.
wants to give us discernment from heaven's perspective because
spiritually we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. He wants us to
be so sensitive to His voice that we will be able to perceive what God
is doing on this earth and minister to people. He wants us to tune in to
the frequencies of heaven, and discern His voice.
is said that an eagle has extraordinary panoramic vision and it could
spot its prey as well as it's adversary for two miles. The Holy Spirit
wants to open our eyes to see in the Spirit realm with extraordinary
magnification. Jesus is also raising up watchman on the wall and seers
who will have their eyes enlightened to see in a way that they have not
seen before. He is giving keen insight and revelation to the
Lord says, I am going to open the eyes of My people to see things in
the natural realm from a spiritual perspective as I extend their field
of vision. I am raising up prophetic seers who will have eyes to see
just as an eagle sees from an elevated height. Just as an eagle sees
things from a panoramic view, I will open the eyes of My people and
their view will be unobstructed and they will see things in the earthly
realm from a broader view.
as an eagle could see for miles, My people will no longer have a
spiritual astigmatism as they will see with precision as one would see
with a magnified lens. Just as an eagle is one of the fastest flying
birds, My seers/prophets will also soar to new heights at an accelerated
speed. Just as the eagle could look directly into the sun, they shall
also be able to look into My glorious light as the blindfolds are
who are watchman on the wall will receive keen spiritual discernment
and they will no longer have a clouded view as they discern with
precision and accuracy. I will give them sight to see beyond their
natural sight as they stand in prayer and intercession for others. They
will no longer be led by their preconceived mindsets or their natural
ways of thinking. They will understand their authority to move the
mountains that stand in their way.
they learn how to walk in unison with Me, they will also understand how
to tune in to My frequencies. This is a new day for the believers as I
am giving them eyes to see. They will be anointed to be carriers of My
word as they pierce the darkness and carry My glory to the ends of the
earth says the Lord.
2 Kings 6:20
it was, when they had come to Samaria, that Elisha said, "Lord, open
the eyes of these men, that they may see." And the Lord opened their
eyes, and they saw; and there they were, inside Samaria!
Isaiah 21:6
For thus has the Lord said to me: "Go, set a watchman, Let him declare what he sees."
1 Corinthians 2:14
the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for
they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned.
Revelation 3:18b
Anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.
Praise The Lord
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