
Showing posts from October, 2019


As I was inquiring of the Lord about a word for the year 2020, the Holy Spirit brought me back to “THE ROARING 20’s." I did some research on it and this is what I found. The Roaring 20's was an age of dramatic social and political change. The name was derived from the exuberant, freewheeling popular culture that defines the decade. It was an era that bought dramatic social and political change, freedom to women, and major advances in science and technology. Germany referred to the 1920’s as “The Golden 20’s” or “The Happy 20’s.” For them, it was also a time of freedom and financial stability. There were many inventions that shaped and transformed America in the 1920’s. Advances in technology led to the age of electricity for many homes in America, which provided them with the power required to run new labor-saving devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, radios, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, electric razors and irons. I’m a seer, (Holy Spi...


                                  We are entering a season like no other. We have been experiencing revival meetings across the country and around the world and the presence of God will continue to escalate in the days ahead. There will be ministries of miracles, signs and wonders. There will be apostles and prophets arising but there will also be false prophets so it is imperative that we are able to discern the difference. There are nine spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. One of the gifts is the “discerning of spirits”. When I looked this scripture up in the Strong’s concordance I found something interesting. The word “spirits” (pneuma) refers to the Holy Spirit, the human spirit and demonic spirts.) (Strong’s G4151) This gift gives us discernment into all realms of the natural and the supernatural.  As ...


                Several years ago I was driving in my car with an elderly lady named Florence. She was a born again believer but she wasn’t Holy Spirit filled. I had worship music playing as I always do, and the presence of God began to fill the atmosphere. Florence was in awe at what she was experiencing and I’ll never forget her words. She said “I don’t know what is happening to me but it feels like the music is electric and it is going right through my body”. As the anointing continued to ascend I explained to her that she was feeling the presence of God. The Holy Spirit wants to visit every one of us in our everyday lives. Many of you will begin to experience His manifest presence in your homes, your cars, your prayer times and in your dreams.  There were several instances in the bible when the glory of God came into a room and the people were so overwhelmed that they were not even able to s...


                            The Lord showed me a sieve (strainer). A sieve is an instrument used for separating coarser from finer particles, or for reducing soft solids to a pulp. When straining, the unwanted material will stay in the strainer as the liquid clearly passes though. The Holy Spirit has been showing me that the body of Christ is in a time of purging. As Spirit filled believers we have been given the privilege and the honor to be conduits of His Glory but first we must remove whatever is impure, undesirable and sinful from our lives. He is looking for believers who are willing to repent and come clean so that He could flow through us unhindered. He’s looking for men and women of integrity who have clean hands and pure hearts. He can’t move among us if there is sin in our lives.  Every time the Lord was about to move in miracles, signs and wonders H...