I was inquiring of the Lord about a word for the year 2020, the Holy
Spirit brought me back to “THE ROARING 20’s." I did some research on it
and this is what I found. The Roaring 20's was an age of dramatic social
and political change. The name was derived from the exuberant,
freewheeling popular culture that defines the decade. It was an era that
bought dramatic social and political change, freedom to women, and
major advances in science and technology. Germany referred to the 1920’s
as “The Golden 20’s” or “The Happy 20’s.” For them, it was also a time
of freedom and financial stability.
were many inventions that shaped and transformed America in the 1920’s.
Advances in technology led to the age of electricity for many homes in
America, which provided them with the power required to run new
labor-saving devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, radios,
phonographs, vacuum cleaners, electric razors and irons. I’m a seer,
(Holy Spirit-filled, not a clairvoyant), so I saw these inventions as
allegories and metaphors.
the 1920’s many inventions were made that changed the course of
history. Henry Ford invented the automobile in 1921. The bulldozer and
the traffic signal were invented in 1923, and the electric iron and the
jukebox were invented in 1927, the first television was also invented in
that same year. Penicillin and the first recliner were invented in
1928.The first pair of sunglasses was invented in 1929. The nation’s
total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929.
Divine Revelation
Lord showed me that there was going to be explosive growth in
technology in the 2020’s. The Holy Spirit is going to release knowledge
that is not known to man in the natural but will be released through
divine revelation. When I began to write this, the Holy Spirit reminded
me of something that He told me at the beginning of the year. He said:
"Your natural mind could not comprehend the things that I will show you
in the secret place." Jesus is going to choose the foolish things of the
world to put to shame the wise, and choose the weak things of the world
to put to shame the things which are mighty.
In the book of Revelation chapter 4,
the Lord took the apostle John into a heavenly encounter. John saw a
door standing open in heaven and heard a voice as a trumpet saying “Come
up here and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
Immediately he was in the Spirit and he described what he saw in
Heaven. Jesus is inviting us to come up to a higher place as He is
bringing fresh revelation in the days ahead. He will release fresh manna
every morning and fresh quail in the evening.
Kingdom Connections
In the 2020’s, the Lord is going to
create kingdom connections. We are going to see brothers and sisters in
the faith in synergy as ministries merge. Many of the five-fold
ministries will work together and will complement one another rather
than control, criticize or gossip. They will no longer be in competition
with one another but will cut off those relationships who contend
against this move of God that will be sweeping the globe. As iron
sharpens iron, they will encourage one another daily, and hold up one
another’s arms when they are weary. As I was writing this, I saw
particular men and women of God who are called to be ministry
forerunners of "The Roaring 20's."
Balance in the Body
the Lord showed me people who were battle weary people from the
previous year. This is going to be a time of restoration for those who have testimonies of being delivered from the paw of the lion and the mouth of the bear. They have been
through the fires and battled the flames. Those who have been falsely
accused and ridiculed are going to receive justice. He is looking for
those who will walk in holiness and no longer follow the ways of fleshly
desires. As covenant children of God they are always in warfare mode, but as warriors and worshipers they never let their guard down.
The Voice of God
The Lord is raising up prophetic voices.
They will not speak on their own accord but they will speak only what
they hear the father saying. They recognize His voice because they read
the word and spend time with Jesus, Just as Samuel, not one word that
they prophesy will fall to the ground. He is raising up intercessors and giving them a blueprint and a battle plan. They
will defeat the enemy with the same weapon that he used against them.
He is raising up a fearless generation who will submit their lives to
the call to transform their nation in The Roaring 20's.
Job 12:22
He uncovers deep things out of darkness,and brings the shadow of death to light.
Daniel 2:22
He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.
Daniel 12:4
“But you,
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end;
many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
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